Question: Hello HydroPower think things are looking a bit better I have some pics if you would like a look but unsure how to load them up thanks for your reply it’s really appreciated thanks
Upload from mobile
From iPhone when you click Reply, this dialog window comes up:
Click marked icon for upload .
In next step choose the source of upload (Camera or Photo Library)
Upload from computer
You can drag-and-drop up to 5 images at once into reply window.
How do I know if the upload has completed?
After you drop the file into composer window, it will be transferred to our server. In the meantime you will see this message:
It will be replaced with actual image once it is processed.
Upload is complete when you see the actual image in preview pane on the right side of composer window.
EXIF / Metadata
We strip all metadata including EXIF from all uploaded files.
Other things to consider
Use proper format
Don’t use screenshots for photos. They are in PNG format and that is the worst choice when comes to photos. Every time use JPG/JPEG format for photos.
Resize and compress your photos
As a part of photo processing (adjusting contrast, levels, cropping photo), if you have the knowledge please resize and compress your photos little bit. You are saving resources of Ovegrow and upload will be much faster.
For tips on how to crop, resize and compress photos, see this topic:
How to upload video?
Videos cannot be uploaded to OG, but can be inserted from other sites (e.g. Youtube) Please see this topic: