Introducing: ballbustershmoe k citrate and krebs stimulators

Hi in this episode I sprayed a few k ppm of k onto a chile verde clone of two in the same 2 gal pot then lights off for a while and back to regular 18/6.

Day later no burn:

Also few hundred ppm malic and fulvic.

I hit the clone on the right.
They just woke and are droopy until i get the temps down a bit soon.

Gonna wait a week see if there’s a diff.


”Increased plant height and peduncle length.”

Might mean this can be used to loosen up plants that are overly dense.


More ammo for Krebs cycle manipulation

Not sure yet unfortunately i already did a very bushy undica but now got sativas.
It’s supposed to accelerate krebs cycle.
I’m gonna take a post one week pic of just the k citrate as a reference.
I have to research the rate for urea and aminos. The rest i have from studies.

Seems like quantums make them look much hungrier for calmag iron but it’s drinking more for sure so i rewarded it with hempy and micros (just soda cans and perlite) hopefully the leaves grow or or whatever i had a trainwreck with this physiology and it was fire.

Gonna feed it megacrop with bit calmagfe added since im using ro anyways.

Bingo just got my dry pee today. Wonder what else it can be used for…lol
Actually ill get N from a 20:1 ratio of K: N final

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I fed them more dr earth and N from urea and aminos via drench. Cut to 15/9 with far red initiator few days ago.
Also lollipopped.

They look better but still something off.
Anywho the plant i hit high k on the right has bigger branches and volume.
Could be just the clone but i will now only start hitting the left once i make the one with all ingredients so i can see if there’s dramatic difference especially after flower.

Running finger against leaves would rip appart any silly bugs so her response is healthy on both clones.

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Cool write up, I would love to hear some of your findings,
I would have to check my notes here, but off the top of my head, I think I remember that amino’s fed via drench will only feed the microbes not the plant.
The microbes by breaking down the amino’s and allow the plants to absorb the amino’s as nitrogen.

Having said that amino’s can vary greatly and work in many different ways.
So it may be best to keep aminos in spray form for best absorption of the amino’s themselves not just the N from them.

I have not found research that suggests plants can absorb amino’s via roots in a form other than when converted to N.

The kreb cycle is a whole nother animal, I was speaking of amino absorbtion in general.

I have a cool write up somewhere on amino’s and their uses.
I will see if I can find it, I would love to discuss this more…

Not many folks are interested in this topic, I am for sure.
Kind of a dead thread…LOL
We will liven things up a bit here for ya. :sunglasses:



Dm. U were banned becuase orange man bad been looking for u 2 years.


I got banned for more than just that, some shady shit goes down behind the scene over at ICrag.
Yea, I don’t post much anymore, too many haters.


Please do. I’d be interested in what you’ve found.


Not so much what I found, it is something a friend of mine compiled.
He asked me not to post it on any fourm, but I will see if I can find it.

I am sure he would not mind if I posted some facts from it.
He is not around anymore or I would ask.


Thank you very much to my old buddy OnlyOnamental for this fine bit of work, where ever you are, I hope you are well!

First Aid for plants:
Salt stress (over-fertilisation, drought, heat), nutrient lockout (over-watering too?), and pests.

Low Ascorbyl palmitate/Vit. C: General first aid, many beneficial effects, antioxidant and plant defence, regenerates roots, ascorbyl palmitate: Surfactant, optimal in combination with lecithin.

Aspartate resp. malic acid: Metabolites trigger plant immunity and stress responses, energy, and reductive equivalents.
Malic acid works against aluminium toxicity.

Choline chloride: Enhanced photosynthesis, glycine betaine precursor

Citric acid & trehalose (foliar), honey (roots): Osmoprotectants, complexation of minerals and quick energy

Cysteine or N-acetylcysteine: Antioxidant and UV-protectant, recycling of methionine, sulphur & nitrogen fertiliser, glutathione precursor

Ethanol: Inhibits PLD and senescence

Glutamic acid & low glycolic acid: Nitrogen fertiliser, synergistic photorespiration intermediates, oxidative defence, penetration enhancer, glutathione precursor

Glycerol: Humectant, resorption accelerator for foliar spray, important in SAR and ISR, reduces free phosphate (higher concentrations under phosphate toxicity)

Glycine: Chelator and nitrogen fertiliser, glutathione precursor

Glycine betaine: Osmoprotectant

myo-Inositol: Helps for phosphate storage, osmoprotectant

alpha-Ketoglutarate: Against nitrogen over-fertilisation and nitrate and ammonia toxicity

Magnesium, calcium, potassium: pH adjustment & because it’s always good and often deficient?
As magnesium bisglycinate, calcium citrate, potassium silicate
Low methanol/formic acid: Increases plant growth, preservative, C1 donor

Ornithine & proline: Nitrogen fertilisers, osmoprotectant, humectant & resorption enhancer

Phenylalanine: Phenylpropanoid precursor, plant immune defence

Potassium silicate/diatomaceous earth: Plant protectant, mild insecticide

Trehalose: protectant against salt stress and drought

Vitamin B complex: Vitality, boosts roots, ethylene synthesis


2.5 years later the shit i made stayed nice n brown from the fulvic and doesnt rot out of fridge from all the natrual preservatives.
That’s how you fight back against rude or naive sponsors.
One time i forgot the ratio i made for the base so i used a ppm pen upto 4k ppm once mature no burn slight dark greening.
I found K malate finally but with other seemingly good shit on amazon, u may know one shag taurine. People eat it and kid u not it says krebs cycle in description. So we are like plants sort of


Kinda pricey but 100ppm per pill per liter k malate and a ton of tourine though whatever that shit does. And filtering the cellulose

Looks like shit i should have taken when i was on keto n tired from it


Free of charge for my og mofos
BBS 1/4 strength makes 100mL
Use 16ml/8oz foliar for max strength

  1. 0.25g Urea (not pee)

  2. .9g Aminos (the good shit that’s 14N)

  3. Malic and Citric acid
    .45g each

Good anti oxidant and carbohydrates. Adds carbon too.

  1. 0.25g PK boost (mine has b1)

  2. 0.33g of 75% strength Phosphoric acid liquid (0.33ml of 75% Liquid sames)

  3. 12.5g Potassium Citrate