What is your favorite way to add nitrogen and green up your crop in veg?

What is your favorite way (easiest) to add nitrogen and green up your crop in veg?

I want to learn new inventive methods for greening up a crop that might be lagging. I am lazy I don’t want to boil a brew of 20 ingredients for five days under a full moon. I want something quick easy cheap and effective. What’s the best way without being overly precious or spending a ton of time and effort? Smell matters as well, I don’t want to have to smell rotting fish guts or fermented poop in my garden all day. What are the smartest best most clever people doing? I never know lol


Chicken shit ! 🫣


Human piss (not the morning one), cut 1 to 10.


Quick easy and lazy way =Fox Farm Big Grow
Patient more methodical way =Dr earth Puregold (No stink onnthis one smells like fresh alfalfa) amended prior Two weeks to time of transplant measured at about 3 heaping cups to one black plastic wally world tote with lid of a good peat vermiculite mix You might need to do an occasional Epsom salt foliar for some stubborn plants that throw Cal mag tantrums but you will not need to add any Nitrogen you will have about 3 months worth of food at a time release in the mix as long as you have common sense and look at the plant and size up the pot to what your going to put out size wise always cook your soil for two weeks and have a good guesstimate and work from there All i do is water my pots 97% of the time no top soils no fussing with bottles of plant Rocket fuel i dont need them.After awhile you will get a feel for it and what your plants do in your environment almost like cooking and tossing it in the pot by hand and not using a measuring spoon you just know in your heart and through trial and error Fail fail again fail some more then bam Bazinga Success repeat then donit all over again!! .I only have one plant in my arsenal that I absolutely have to have liquid nitrogen on hand and thats Johnnys Frankenstein everyone knows shes like a really bad crackwhore for nitrogen.Its almost scary


FF Wholly-Mackerel is pretty easy……

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Explorer 16-0-0 Derived from Soy Protein Hydrolysate


Blood meal.
Quick, cheap, easy applications.

Hehe, this made me laugh. But, so true!
Same with alot of the Franky crosses.


Foliar feeding during veg


Bat guano. Hands down. Dr. earth has a good one.
edit-looking back at your original post. Just use the most inexpensive synthetic.

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Sow kidney beans right along with your cannabis seeds.

Chop and drop when they start flowering or when they get too big.
Bean plants grow much faster than cannabis and they produce excess nitrogen that gets stored in nodules in the roots, kinda like when mycelium produces truffels.
Even while they’re still alive they share their nitrogen with neighbouring plants.

There’s other plants that do that too; clover, peas, alfalfa, this group of plants are called nitrogen fixers or green manure and you can recognize them by their leaves, they are always structered in pairs. Acacia is a very obvious example.

I prefer beans as they are very sturdy and very fast and they get lanky so always find some light, clover can die prematurely from lack of light because it doesn’t get that big.

I also drink mint and nettle tea every day and topdress the pulp because nettle contains many minerals. I also topdress with some chopped up kitchenscraps, grass clippings, dandelion leaves, tree leaves, …

Diversity is key and will ensure you get all the necessary minerals in there.

A little bit of everything works best. :+1:

It’s all I ever use anymore and it works great, can’t overdo it as it’s slow release.
The moment the soil is saturated to the max with N, then the nitrogen fixers tend to die as they have fulfilled their purpose. Nature has been designed so intelligently…

There is no chaos anywhere if you observe everything over longer periods of time, then patterns always emerge, and Creation starts to make a whole lot more sense.


Chempak 2


all ways a good option just not an immediate one. I always let the clovers grow in pots in the summer for that reason.
Another really fun plant that fixes nitrogen and will memorize you is called mimosa pudica look em up. fun as hell.

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Nah is this forreal lol


Jacks 20-20-20 lol yea works for me every time

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Regardless of its ability to do the job. It’s takes a special kind of person to want to handle their pee enough to dilute it 1:10. or to want to pee on their plant for that matter.
True to his name we have @Funkyfunk. I assume this was only mentions because op was concerned about smells and this was just a poke.


Well, pee works in fact, it contains amonia which is nitrogen. There’s no special handling really. But you want to dilute it or you will burn you plants. Very efficient to fix a deficiency. Now you don’t need much, so it doesn’t smell that much too.

Oh, and obviously, pee on the soil, not on your plant :laughing:


I remember hearing about this in the show weeds the one guy pissed in the pot to save the plant lol. I had no idea piss actually will work. For some reasoj i am tempted to see but i think ill sit this one out lol.

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A foliar feed of any high nitrogen fertilizer, tea, urine :innocent:


Actually @funkyfunk us absolutely right. I dont understand why people nowadays are so sqeemish about things that are natural bodily functions. I grew up on a farm and we played in the dirt and grass and stepped in cow shit all the time. It aint gonna hurt ya. :woman_mage:


Its got those pissy terps homie