Are you using a terpene enhancer? You may want to read this!

Do you use a terpene enhancer?
What are the ingredients in yours?

Here is some info on one product.


Orange oil and rosemary oil are the supposed ingredients.
Who wants to breathe this shit?
It hurts my throat and lungs.
You can literally taste the orange oil when you smoke it.
They tell you to use it as a flush late too…WTF?
You might as well spray it right on your weed before you smoke it. :face_vomiting:

Can you vape orange oil?
Is Vaping Essential Oils Safe?

Short answer: No, essential oils can break down into abnormal compounds at high temperatures, which can cause severe side effects when inhaled.

While certain essential oils might be considered safe for traditional aromatherapy inhalation, vaping subjects them to superheating. The high temperature can transform them into dangerous substances, which cause significant lung damage.

Risk of Lipid Pneumonia : Some essential oils contain lipids (fats) that can be harmful when inhaled into the lungs. Inhaling oils high in lipids can potentially lead to a rare condition called lipid pneumonia, which can cause severe respiratory distress.

Again, please remember that since there are no long-term studies in place, the health risks of directly inhaling essential oils through vaping are unknown.

Open to all comments for and against Terpene Enhancers.


Trust the ‘experts’?


That is truly disturbing!! No wonder we have an obesity problem


My terpene enhancer is proper growing technique.


And the can of worms is opened. Welcome to the knowledge of processed bio engineered food.

Check your labels <3. Buy organic, buy local goods. etc.

And it goes so much deeper, not to hijack the post… but like why is fluoride, an industrial waste product in our tap water? Because folks paid scientists off to make a fake study showing fluoride reduces cavities ? But actually just calcifies our pineal gland and makes the general population dumber… yeah pretty much.

Or why does cereal for children have 5 artificial food colorings that are known carcinogens, cause hyperactivity etc???

Why are 1/4 kids in the USA prescribed ADHD meds ?

The destruction runs deep man.


My mentor likes using terpenez as his terp enhancer. Makes everything have a similar citrus stem rub. I’ve stopped using it the last few runs but tell him I still do. He hasn’t even noticed a difference. Good to know I’m helping his health as well.


I don’t understand the obsession with additives. Good seed makes good weed. Inputs aren’t particularly difficult. Quantity and quality are all that needs to be figured out.


They’re going to need more than fluoride.


Agreed, thats what social media is for ;p


It is simply a commercial sales tactic.
They only want your money and there is a sucker born every min. :money_mouth_face:
They care nothing for your health.

Folks must not know that good weed smells like good weed not citrus and berry.
But hey, store bought weed has to be better and safer cause it is grown by professionals not scummy drug dealers… :sunglasses:


Bottled water drinking influencers :joy:

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I drink bottled water and Im not proud, but if Jesus can turn water into wine, the microplastics should be gone from said bottle ay? :d


I have not tried this with cannabis but I bet it works.

We can make our weed orange and make it smell and taste like citrus too.
It may be hazardous to your health but who cares you will have bragging rights.


This gourd is bad for the environment.


25% of all children are not prescribed add medication. It’s closer to 8% or 1 in 12.

Fluoride in large doses isn’t good for you, which is why it’s only a trace mineral in tap water.

America’s food is bad, but it’s not malice, it’s dumb people letting cut throat capitalism literally kill all of us slowly with garbage food.

It’s like how most people who grow weed aren’t particularly concerned with the ethics of where their nutes, soil, and additives are produced or sustainability.

The corruption of institutions isn’t exclusively trying to ruin us on purpose, it’s just a nifty little side effect of doing buissiness.


It caters to our own foolishness


Convenience is a tax on our furure.


Is that why everything is so expensive at the convenience store?

Just teasing.

It’s not so sinister.
“Get 300% yields.”
“Hey i’d like 300% yields…”


I’ve seen people use, like, terp infused bags or maybe it was like a desiccant pack with added shit. I believe it was pinene, but whatever the fuck…I stopped paying attention on the spot. Don’t let your plants drink the kool-aid

Terps are really delicious solvents, but you don’t want to up the % to the point of febreeze or actual floor cleaners.


If you know if a better way to make my buds taste like grape I’d like to hear it.