Is it better to grow bark or bud

I stole the title from an old discussion i believe it was on the original OverGrow. Do you think it is better to train the plant to hold it’s own weight, or do you like to tie everything up so the plant won’t have to spend the energy supporting itself?

I like to grow strong stems, and use cropping methods to reinforce the plant. I believe the buds will follow.

If I’m growing SOG I dont bother with additional support, Alot of factors to consider, and its strain dependent. I trellis, with cages, nets or stakes. If you’ve ever done any tree pruning, you know the structure is literally wrong when working with typical methods like topping they are wrong for structure… I’ve had plants over the years simply snap because they cannot support the weight of the flowers.

I can grow thick stems… no problem. but things at the end get to the point of drooping, out of shape or danger of fracture then I have to support.

Even the scrogs now have two levels of trelis support.

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Depends. Its impossible to get OG’s to hold their weight no matter what. Tropical varieties need to be beaten so horribly to keep their height down insideXD this question is hard with all the varieties and phenos out there.


Yup, schnazzleberry just does not develop stem diameter… trainwreck same thing.

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Scott’s OG, Pandora’s Box, Cannatonic, yea, a lot of strains or pheno’s of strains have to be supported. Mother’s Milk, Orange Creamsicle, Blue Tara, are beast’s, Can be trained to hold their weight all the way thru. As i get older the whimsy and weak i throw away. What i was wondering is do you think you get bigger healthier buds by training for support regardless if you have to tie a few in the end? I have convinced myself training makes bigger, denser buds.

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I believe big dense buds are genetics. Try training a haze to push dense budXD training is used for achieving a bigger yield. This way more light gets to bud sites:) for example training an even canopy.

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Sure, you need to train… like GG4 for example, either SOG or expect aggressive support strategy. Not saying its cant be done but what I have done indoors GG4 makes a mess of itself and to get proper exposure of flower tops you need to support it.

I guess I can look at it two ways, Low yield cultivars I tend to SOG grow in flood tables turning and burning. I can put out flower faster but yield is a bit lower but my highest GPW 1.1+ used training methods, but took longer because of veg time getting it used to the trelis.

There is no answer to this problem. some like training, some dont. Even in a strain catalog they mention what growing style the cultivar is suited too. This is good for sog… this one needs support,

True, I have unlimited veg time, But the question was if you support the plant the whole grow so it doesn’t have to support itself will the buds be denser, bigger than if you used cropping, and shaking to strengthen the stems.

Yes and no is your answer:)

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Have you been talking to my wife!?


I have. She says hi :wink: hahahahah

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I think it depends of the growing method you prefer. In indoor you can reach higher yields with SOG or SCROG and also you don´t depend so much on some traits of the plant if you have controlled and space-limited environment.

In outdoor there is more practical to select plants that can hold it´s bud weight naturally or train them, because it saves your time and raises your yield quality.