Is it cool to hate the old school?

Some friends and i grew critical+ for a couple years. It smelled lemon skunk pine, yielded really nice fat dense buds, the high was pretty good but not debilitating or overly powerful, people around here really liked it


I dont hate the old school but i hate mids hahha

If you havent tried new stuff like cake atrains etc you really are missing out. Some crazy smells and tastes.
But I still love me a great kush over anything


Probably forgetting the most impactful two hahah
Chemdog and triangle kush


Those companies are trash these days , they have been for a while. Have you grown anything from those companies in the past 10 years ? Not saying you can’t find a good plant or two but the quality isn’t there anymore.
Maybe in the 90’s and early 2000’s they produced much better things but it’s common knowledge now that most of those cup winning companies from the past don’t even breed there own lines anymore. It’s outsourced to Spanish seed producers and has been for a while.


They outlawed seed production some years back in Holland so most of the big operators moved to Spain. Big demand there for autos these days. I prefer smaller producers that have been around a long time like Soma and Mandala.

Soma is looking old these days but it’s good to see he’s still going. I fancy growing his Somango some time.


Ive openly said fuck both those companies… Barneys and Greenhouse … no other reason besides wasting my time and money. I have also openly stated the Lemon Skunk from Greenhouse was top shelf. Surprisingly a freebie LSD from Barneys turned out well but thats it… 1 strain from each company out of a bunch of strains… no thanks


I’ve never tried Barney’s before and heard/seen nothing but issues about them, have a Red Diesel from them that may or may not make it through the outdoor season this year and that’s it. Greenhouse I just picked up their exodus cheese and franco’s lemon cheese so I hope they’re not crap or mids… I need some good cheese man! :rofl:

I don’t consider either of those old school though. I miss the actual old school stuff, sensi and the seed company strains among others. OHaze/NL5xHaze/WW/Skunk#1, acapulco gold and columbian, thai’s. stuff from the 60-mid90’s.

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Know what you mean. I have a friend who keeps buying Barneys and most are mediocre at best. A couple of years back a guy grew about 10 Greenhouse strains in a field in Holland. Kicked off because most of the produce tasted like hay lol.

In Europe these days you are probably better off going with the likes of Dimafem, Fastbuds, Sweet Seeds etc


Your country supplied our mids for decades :smirk::wink: then Colorado let everyone grow now they produce the mids :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Had some good results with Dinafem and Soma about 10 years ago… grew their gear for a good few years


Same here but maybe not so many Soma as i’d like. Dinafem are reliable, grown a few of theirs repeatedly over the last 5 years now. FastBuds green crack is very nice btw, first time i smoked an auto that i could have sworn was a reg :+1:


Lol yeah there was always good bud to be had out of Bc. But for the most part it was that premature m39 PGR hydro for years


I’ve always heard there was good weed in Mexico to we just never got to see it :rofl::joy::rofl:


I’ve grown Barney’s farm Red Diesel and was one of the stronger strains i’ve grown, although I’ve had fasciation with each of the grows I did

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I spend a lot of time in Puerto Peñasco with family and sometimes when I run out of what I brought I cop there. It is hit or miss finding something acceptable, but you just take a look and smell and if you don’t like, it’s cool, try another taxi driver or dudes at the beach or ask them who has the more expensive shit, but don’t cut them out, let them get it for you and hook them up with a $5-10. You can find sinsemilla with a little trouble. In AZ I did get only an ounce of Popocapetl Blue in like ‘95 that was all pine and juniper and I still dream about it. Not OG pine, it was sweeter with more cedar and juniper to it. Oh! It was fan-fucking-tastic! Should I give out some tips of how to hook it up in different parts of Mexico? PS If you are driving in Mexico and there is a big ass truck or SUV with no plates holding up traffic, do not honk, just wait.


Mandala has been my preferred breeder for the past 8 or 9 years now.
They are not old school, having been established only since 2004.
But I have grown out most of their offerings, and was more than satisfied with the majority of them.

For me their flowers provide a nice variety of old school tastes, reminding me of buds I smoked in the late 60’s and throughout the 1970s into the early 80’s. The weakest Mandala strain was Point of No Return, which tasted fantastic, but was somewhat deficient in potency. All of the others were mighty fine, IME. The Mandala standouts (to me) are Satori, Far Out, Hashberry and Beyond the Brain.

Green House earned my contempt by providing me with the single worst strain I ever grew.
Kalasnikova tasted like green hay and provided no high whatsoever.


cannabis cup winners DO NOT make me want to buy the seeds that have won cups. my decision to by seed is the effect i want from said seeds. old school seeds or the way i want to grow…


That’s a common complaint about Arjan’s mob these days. Strain hunter my arse!

Satori went crazy in my grow, had high summer temps here and got bud rot in it but the unaffected parts were very nice indeed. It was that experience that finally convinced me to switch to led’s and i wouldn’t consider anything else now. I also grew Far Out but it didn’t impress me much, tasted like hemp tbh. The vigor of their strains is stunning, a nice surprise after many years growing overworked genetics.


@HolyAngel if you like old school check out AKbeanbrains or Swami organic seeds.


Thanks! Yeah AKBB is definitely on my list for the NL5 stuff, the pure nl’s not the TK stuff, and then maybe that Consumption… I always forget about swami though! They definitely have some nice crosses and such, I’ve just never seen or heard that much about them. May have to hit them up… I wish more of breeders took crypto, I don’t miss that about the old school :rofl: