Is it cool to hate the old school?

I’m reading along a strain recommendation thread and there it was. “Barney’s Farm is not good at all” and “Green House is trash” Okay, I get that popularity generates more criticism, and that it’s 2020 and Amsterdam isn’t really relevant to what’s going on here, but are you saying that the Cannabis Cup was a sham? That some conspiracy took place to falsely elevate the winners? Or that potency and flavor are so much better now that they are obsolete? Does THSeeds and DNA suck too? Do they just not know the history of how we got here today? Is it just to make themselves feel smart and cool? No breeders are infallible and I can understand if some people were disappointed by their genetics for whatever reason but to say “these people suck” or “their seeds are trash” just sounds really ignorant. Or maybe I’m the one who is ignorant and doesn’t realize it.


Im not going to give my opinion , but I bet this post will get a quite a bit of response . lol


I’m biased, but I love the old school. I just grew a white widow and the smell reminds me of 20 years ago.

I’m open to newer stuff but what I really want in my arsenal now is some master Kush. I might try gelato/ice cream cake/potato salad crosses in the future but for now I’m staying old school.


Im not sure if its just me, but I just really dont get or care at all about all that stuff, about whos genetics is from where and who ripped off what and what is or isnt what it says it is. I always just go off reviews and/or pics and just try out the seeds. I’ve grown great bud and i’ve grown shit bud. Ive had both good and bad grows with the same seed company, and one time even within the same seed pack. Although I know i’m pretty sheltered, having read all the debate around it before


A friend of mine says when you pay for seeds from breeders you are buying a better percentage, there will still be winners and loosers in the pack.


I love the old school

I know some of the older seed companies went through raids and lost stock back in the day and there has always been speculation as to how some stuff was replaced or was replaced with other stuff

Only reason I don’t order from Amsterdam is the wait


I want to be clear, I LOVE ALL the new stuff because there’s no denying that it’s amazing shit. One breeder alone on the west coast could destroy most anything in Amsterdam. If allowed, the evolution will always bring progress. Maybe it has more to do with human psychology and the need to down others in order to fell better about oneself. I also understand that the business practices of a company can ruin anything positive about them. I’m only talking about the quality of the cannabis from then that seems to still be the basis of what is going on today.

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I’ve grown out several strains of BF as well as DNA and found some great stuff
I like the small breeders best sannie, greenrebelfarms ,santero, sinister weather US breeders or Dutch there’s some great stuff
Hell Mota and sannie worked on herijuana ( that Dutch and US effort) that’s as old school as you can get


Dude. High Times is run by corporate evil money & now owns 12 dispensaries selling mcWeed, probably their own soon.

F ck HighTimes.

So in that sense yes, it’s cool to hate. :laughing:

But in general, respect your elders sonny! :joy:

If someone funds most of the event, you can bet they’ll have an advantage. :thinking:



Yeah, it is generally thought that the cups were a pay-to-play thing.

There’s tons of good weed in Europe.

I prefer the classics.

Modern hype-train weed is characterized by bag appeal or raw THC numbers over everything else, which I think aren’t the best metrics to measure good weed by. Frosty, purple, leafless, and poor yielding with a dumb name like Runtz or Zkittlez or Biscotti Gelato. Call it “exotics” and charge 2x for an elbow it’s just silly.


There’s no school like the old school. Back in the day it was hard enough to grow sensimila with out getting clipped let alone running breeding projects which there was not a market for. Everything we have now came from then. The new technology is great but one can get lost in it really easily and lose sight of the true objective, which is cultivating the plant. Grow on my freinds and always remember where this came from.


There is a reason why old skool has spanned the test of time and older strains are still popular today. Of course, there are always fad chasers who will bash all the old strains and boast the new. Personally, I don’t care about the fads or any of the bullshit, I just want good bud, whether old or new.


Nothing against the old school strains, at all. (Maybe a couple of em.)

Have heard that this is the case. That is well above my pay grade tho, I wouldn’t know.


I personally ran a bunch of greenhouse stuff outside about 5 years ago and it all turned out super mediocre( not super strong and similar generic sweet weed smell). Other than that I love a lot of the oldschool stuff and have had good luck with growing it. I would be running a handful of Dutch genetics if it wasnt such a pain to source them where I live… I tried ordering from sensi a couple months ago and my money never made it there so it will likely be a long time til I try anything other than Canadian or us genetics


I wanna go all the way down that rabbit hole just for fun. We will probably only get a partial picture until we get first hand accounts and even then a broken reflection. “Look at all these rumors surrounding me every day…” Timex Social Club - Rumors

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Old school for me. Let them eat cake.


I don’t necessarily see people ripping on old school so much as not being happy about old school breeders using deceptive business practices.

What I mean by that is they’re still trying to make it on the great strains they had back then, while sometimes using different or inferior genetics to what they previously sold. And they’re still selling it using the same names.

When you buy the same product several times, you expect a certain level of quality and consistency. Some of the old school breeders are guilty of allowing that standard to degrade over time.

Rookies and veterans don’t often have the same passion for whatever game they’re playing… be it music or sports or in this case running a seed company. I’m not trying to name any names, but if you lose that passion, it makes it much harder to deliver at the same standards you once did.


I personally get really tired of all these kush, sours and gelato crosses. For me cannabis is so much more than potency. I really like a complex terp profile no matter the age of the strain.


True enough, but in some cases it was due to unforeseen issues that led to them losing (either through disasters or confiscation) all (or most) of their breeding stock. We’ve all heard the stories from Amsterdam, for example.

Yet, some of them continued to sell their “old school” strains that were only approximate re-creations of the classics. They attempted to stay afloat based on the reputations of lost strains, and their own reputations suffered from this accordingly.


The potency race is the worst thing that ever happened to Cannabis, IMO.