Is there a difference between Cannabis and Marijuana? My state thinks there is!

The best of yellow journalism!

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yea i agree with you on most every thing you say except refering to your self as a druggie i prefer to think of my self has a pot HEAD .

How will they know?

Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

thats the 2018 farm bill the .o3 percent,schedule 1 is canabis and the seeds thereof

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Each batch / harvest must be tested before being made available for sale. And they can do surprise inspections. So if plants aren’t tagged, its a violation. Growing a 10 week auto, doing say 4 strains, weekly harvests, thats 16 tests a month. OR grow for common harvest, thats 4 tests every 2.5 months. Not sure what tests will cost, still evolving laws yet.

It just cracks me up, the distinctions being made. Clearly there is a difference between hemp and the cannabis we ingest. Composition, usage, you don’t see people smoking hemp flower for a reason. CBD vs THC plants, maybe a distinction, but they are both for ingestion. But really, flower purchased legally is called cannabis, purchased illegally is marijuana. Splitting hairs worried about defining it at that level. I can purchase legally manufactured moonshine, and I can buy backwoods distilled moonshine, its still called the same thing… Ones taxed, one isn’t. How is cannabis any different?