More of the mans BS

Here we go in oklahoma…now if you want to work in
A disp not only do you need a mmj card but…you need credentials…as in background checks oklahoma and national…and…can you believe it costs $$ to get these checks done…such bullshit…guess ill keep.on keepin on…ok rant over


I’m surprised they don’t do piss tests too! :rofl:


Everyones got their hand out now :joy::joy::joy:, and it really sucks and just think :face_with_monocle: a short time ago we were all criminals and low life’s. Now that they can make money off us we are OK! Politics at their best, as long as they can pick are pockets we are OK , my my how their attitudes change! :rage:


The state governments are bending over backwards to keep the black market open.


Thank goodness for the state govts


I think the only good thing about legalization is that people dont automaticaly call the cops if they see a plant growing in your yard. They assume you must be legal. Otherwise, I am living the same way I have for 43 years. Keep a low profile and fly under the radar.


The shit storm cometh with “legalization” Government is not legalizing this for you as a person. Government is legalizing it for you as a consumer. Legalization is for corporations to reign supreme. That’s it. Black market is still around but prices have been pushed so low unless you do large numbers of mids it’s just not worth it for small time guys putting out fire as nobody wants to pay if they can always get cheap mids and lows. Way more profitable to grow mids tbh.where I’m it’s not really worth it to grow for profit anymore as pounds of amazing fire will fetch 1000-1400 max, just 4 years ago I was getting double that. so lots of people where I’m from don’t bother anymore, myself included and now only grow for myself and a couple people. About ten years ago I left a career as a chef to grow full time and did really well, all of that came to a slow roll and eventually full stop after we went legal and now I’m back in the chef life and I hate it lol


Yeah i hear ya…but …it is a job where you can smoke till you choke…i remember once back in the day i worked on as a line cook…we had a pretty good crew an older guy the owners son me and a couple of other part timers…the bar was up stairs and we could trade the bartendet burgers for pitches of beer…which waz oured i to an amber water glass :smiley: there was one time me and the owners son were tokin up behind the line …it was slow…we could blow the smoke out the exhaust fan…all of a suddenjust ad he took a hit his dad came walking up…chris tried to hold the hit but coulbnt and it ki da blew out in his dads face…lol…he looked at the both of us and said put that out before delores gets here…she was the mom and wore the pants inthe family…ahh goid times …i think most of the employees were i. Highschool. Except the head line cook and the prep people…once the three of us went fishing…on a sat morning before we had to work that night…the only thing we caight was a massive buzzon induced by beer and weed…im pretty sure delores knew what was up but ccouldnt really do anything about it…considering it was summertime and a saturday night


Don’t get me wrong, but my compassion is limited. The US got the next BIG THING after the Computer-Revolution in their hands and they are unable to get this properly on track. I don’t blame the legislators or authorities, they are by nature and always will be the main enemy/parasite of the working and honest people.

This time the working and honest people have failed to properly recognize their own situation in which they find themselves. The US-Cannabis market is oversaturated which makes it impossible for everyone (including the big players, check their stock prices) to survive, but at the same time, nobody is willing to do anything about it by setting up additional distribution lines.

Distribution/sales is the most important for every company as it has the biggest impact on its revenue.


In Ohio “ We the People” passed “ our own” law because the legislature was stone-walling us. After we passed it with 60% majority vote. The politicians tried to gut it. The next day they had their ass handed to them by the citizens. The house is in no hurry to change the law because they fear political blowback. Maybe this time democracy will win. :crossed_fingers:


What are the main differences in Ohio compared to other Cannabis-States?
Is export legal in Ohio?
I mean, the biggest markets are outside the US and the US with its 10 year lead in product quality, quantity and logistics would wipe out any competition worldwide. These are the actual distribution lines. Like in the 70s with computer technology.

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No state can allow cannabis to cross state lines. It immediately becomes a federal offense regardless of state law


I understand what you are saying. I think I dont really care about “buying pot”. I only care about growing my own. Im not trying to be selfish but that is the reality of the situation for me. 🫣

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