Grow Your Own Laws

What’s your speculation on legal grow your own weed in all states?


Gotta legalize before you can expect to legally grow weed. We’re getting there but I don’t think we’re going to see a federal push any time soon unfortunately.


I believe it should be federally legal and everybody (21+) should have the ability to grow their own if they choose. I believe that there’s as much medical benefit to actually growing it as there is to using it. Plus I like knowing exactly how it’s grown


Michigan and Illinois on the western front… New York, New Jersey, DC, and Virginia on the eastern front. Maryland, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania you’re next up to bat. I’d like to congratulate weed on winning the war on weed.


Once the fed makes it legal that would make it easier , most likely it still will be left up to the states individually to decide on regulations .

In NJ for example we have recreational but can’t buy or sell yet and no home grow !

Monday in NJ their deciding in the state senate about home grow . If passed then we’ll be able to grow 6 plants per adult each and 10 with A med card
It’s all about how they’re going to regulate and tax revenue!!!
As of know the laws for growing in this state is harsher then for dealing or possession

Time will tell


I believe Washington state is working towards home grows being legal after not allowing for it after years of their own “legalization.” To me, if you can still be punished for growing your own it’s not truly legal. I feel we are definitely headed in the direction of more relaxed pot laws though. Just the USPS easing up on the shipping of seeds and cuttings is huge, especially for the growing community.


Jersey’s legalization does not at this point include homegrow as @Papalag said. They had all intentions to restrict homegrow but at this point it’s just a matter of time, specially with NY including it after agreeing not too originally.

As in they’re voting Monday? I knew it was drawn up but didn’t see it being submitted for vote so quickly.


I may be hopefully pushing it but I believe the phrase the bill is up for discussion
But it’s a start

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I didn’t realize they weren’t allowed to grow already. At least Jersey isn’t the only jerks lol.

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Medical patient grow is a no brainer, specially with our shortages, distances and prices. Shows you how money hungry they are that they haven’t already allowed even limited patient growing.


A win for one state is a win for all of them. How long that bill for federal reform will collect dust in the senate who even knows. I’ve always said if weed cured baldness and ED it would be legal in a week. It’s also important to recognize the social change of perspective that will come with it. My grandmothers who were very anti-pot have now come to realize that prohibition is wrong and so is imprisoning people over. I honestly can’t believe I’ve reached a point in my life where I can discuss growing with them. One even wants to try growing her self once the laws change! That’s a huge difference from the days of being told it will ruin my life and I’m sure how she reacted when she caught my dad growing lol. Not to mention, more people who are active voters wanting to vote pro-cannabis.


I saw. This the other day


I think the last bill called it personal exemption.


Pretty sure that’s how it’ll go down. I think well see it decriminalized federally first, then removed from scheduling soon after. If it’s decriminalized, they won’t pass on tax revenue for very long IMHO. And then nothing else to be done at the federal level.


I know about the bill’s existence I just didn’t know that it was going to be pushed so soon. 12 plants is more than I need (only cause I don’t have space for more lol). I hope they fast track it though. It would be nice if it was legal by the time I chop the run I’m about to germinate :sunglasses:


With that the states will lose their federal prohibition funding. Hopefully forcing them to legalize to keep some profits up. Money talks and bullshit walks. From there we can press the issue for home and medical grows.


There was talk at some point for medical grow only in NJ and an additional fee/registration with the state. It’s ridiculous but compared to mandatory minimum sentencing I’ll get my happy ass in line for that.


I could totally make 12 plants work. That’s close to what I run anyways. If I can do as well as I do out bush, I can only imagine what I’ll do under complete control.


I’m an edibles sort of guy so I will gladly welcome seed runs with every grow. Time to really overgrow the world!

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Personally I still will never let them know what’s going on “ once an outlaw always an outlaw “ I don’t trust them

I’ll be very happy with the fact it’s legal and we have the ability to grow but I’ll never let them know what I do

They tax , or make you get a permit or yearly inspection this is New Jersey we are taking about lol

Sorry I kid napped your thread
