It's the first day of Spring, let's celebrate

Hey there OG, so it’s the first day of spring. Looks like we made it through another winter. We didn’t have too bad a time here but did get walloped a few times with snow. There were certainly many worse off then us. So you all got your plans ready to go? Vacations, getting outdoors more, planting your crops. Well happy spring to you all, here is hoping we all have an amazing season.

I for one have over a month of cottage time booked, got plans to start some autos at the lake while shutting down my grow for the summer once current grow is completed. Drop on by and tell us what you got planned as the warmer weather comes. :v:


Oh man, just going outside again haha.
Not that this winter was very wintery…
But yeah, the veggie garden, the flower garden, the beach!


Nice man, it will feel good to soak up some vitamin D :grinning:


I’m thinking I may be able to get warm. That would be a real winner!

Of course, there’s also the matter of a grow. It’s Monday today, and I expect to get to germinating this week. Once that’s done, there’s no going anywhere. It’s like having a milk cow - you get a few months (in the case of cows, that would normally be two months) to be away overnight. Otherwise, gotta be there every single day. And I expect to be here too!


I just layered a nice compst pile :slight_smile: , baby steps to growing glory :wink:


Happy Spring everyone!
There’s still a lot of snow on the ground here, and we’re supposed to get hit again later this week. :pensive:
I really wanna start my seed veggies inside, but I don’t know how to time it yet. Last thing I need is monster vegetables taking up my grow space because it still to cold to get em outside! Lol


Spring cleanup out in the yard is overdue so I’m hoping to get my son down to visit and help me out. In about a month we’ll start seeing the young black bears that got kicked out by Mom trying to get in the shed looking for food so spring means new neighbors. I also lose my winter view of the valley down below us as the trees start to fill in.


Gonna be growing weeeeeeeeeeeeeed outside. Come on heat!


Itching to get out and get some plants out. Wondering about starting some autos inside and then gradually hardening them off as we get closer to spring up here at 45 degrees north. Has anyone had success with this method?


I did it with photo cl9nes last year but will be doing it with autos this year for a mid Aug harvest.


my uncle had a dairy form for a long time and i worked it every summer. i can tell you for a fact there were no days off. they eat every day. had to be milked every day, twice a day. i loved that fresh milk after putting up hay though. the rest of it, except driving the bobcat, got real old real quick. and the smell, well, you get used to it mostly. 10/10 do not recommend.

Yes, not a single day off if you have a herd of cows. On the other hand, as I said, I’m a person who had a single cow, and I got two months off a year. When a cow is no longer “fresh,” that cow stops milking for a minimum of two months. I guarantee you that every cow in your uncle’s herd got at least two months a year off from milking during the final months of that cow’s pregnancy.

I was a relief milker at multiple dairies, as well as doing all sorts of general dairy work for years. Personally, I never found the smell of a dairy unpleasant. Nothing like, for example, a chicken or turkey farm. Fowl farms smell foul.


I try and do two sets of autos, one early spring, one for late summer/fall, on opposite ends of the yard to help with not looking like a lunatic carrying pots all over creation chasing the sun (eh, @mota ?) To clarify, one side does good enough early summer, the other side gets good late summer. Photos I just move once mid summer

Not only do they harden off just fine, they love the sun and grow fast

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The family and I are going camping this year, got our 10 person tent, sleeping bags, inflatable pads a nice portable 24" smokeless firepit, a good cooler, the jeep and booked a few nights without hydro not too far from town… Will be my family’s (besides me) first taste of camping outside of a backyard setting. Also got 11 days off in July & 11 days off in August. Hopefully more camping or road trips someplace fun and relaxing. @DougDawson

As for cannabis, gonna grow atleast God’s Cookies again and 2 new ones in my 5gal buckets this summer.


Can’t wait for the weather to change!!! Got a pup just itching to get in one of the cars and hit the road to some car shows. Gotta get plants out of the “hidden room” in the basement and out into the swamp for yet another season of growing some trees.
First on the list though, is yard cleanup from 2 different storms, first an ice storm, then 14” of wet ass snow, got a whole bunch of broken pine branches and a couple downed pine trees to clean up.


Wife and kids are going to Disneyland next week…I gotta work. Got some pure sativa landrace going on outside I want to turn into trees.


I plan to break my back digging holes every weekend and come back from summer vacation exhausted :rofl:

It’ll be great. :wink:


I am a first day of Spring baby And while I don’t normally celebrete, I did with my children and sister this year,

:green_heart: :seedling:


yeah, they rotated about 10 i think, made it pretty convenient to keep the rest milking. that ‘s’ makes all the difference. i missed it. i could never get used to a pig farm, or a chicken farm. pigs are the worst with chickens a close second. never been around turkeys on a farm, but my buddy had a few he kept with his chickens, ducks, and pheasants. i actually had breakfast of quail eggs last week. took 8 to make what would’ve been 3 normal ones but they were fresh as hell.

my cousin got stepped on once by a 1200 lb cow when he fell putting them into the chutes to be milked. took him a couple of months to recover and he has a hoof print in the middle of his chest. he was about 30 at the time and it almost killed him.

That deserves a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a wonderful spring!