(Jack Herrer X C99) Rosetta Stone- Brothers Grimm

This will be my first ever photo harvest. Had a few issues during the grow including some foxtailing from heat and light burn and some nute burn but I learned alot from the mistakes I made. As far as the strain goes- The smell is AMAZING and the description far surpasses my limited vocabulary.


Congratulations on the accomplishment!
I’m excited or ya. :smiley:
Now, the hard part…Drying/curing properly. :+1:



Thanks Brotha!

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I’ve been interested in dabbling in some Brothers Grimm genetics. I’ve read a lot of people loving their Rosetta Stone. Are they reaking of sweetness or what’s the general smell in the tent?

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I was 99% sure I was going to fuck up my first cure, and was 100% correct.


I’m still very far from a great cure. It’s difficult in my climate. I’ve been experimenting with new methods almost every harvest. Been thinking about trying Grove Bags because I’m not very good at keeping a jar burping schedule, lol.


I never got to smoke the original Jack Herrer but I imagine it smells something like this!

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Just used them for my last cure and it was super easy. Great results too.

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Kinda of a pricey product though…
But if they’re worth it!

What’d you do? Stick the bud in the GB’s after a hang dry, then throw 'em in a tote, no burping?

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Well worth it, in my opinion. I found them off a Canadian store fairly cheap, $5 per 1lb bag. Yeah, I hung dried as normal and threw them in the bags with little humidity sensors. They kept the bud at 62-64% the two months I cured for.

They’re reusable too. Even if you heat close the ends like they recommend, they make the plastic long enough so you can melt it multiple times. I just threw the bud in there without no fancy heat seal bs.

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They are actually not too bad once you go in and make a custom order. I want to say I paid like 25 bucks for like 6 of the QP bags and a couple others.


Look these tops.

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