Kicked off the new year with a bang! 9-Pound Hammer

Kicked off the new year with a bang - my first-ever 9-Pound Hammer successfully grew and just wanted to share the highs and lows!

Seeds: Went with the 9-Pound Hammer from Growers Choice Seeds. Heard it can be a hit or miss, but my luck seemed to lean towards the ‘hit’ side.

Setup: Kept it budget-friendly with a Vivosun 4x4 tent straight from the Amazon jungle. Surprisingly solid for the price - any other frugal growers out there with a favorite budget setup?

Soil: Used Bio365 for the first time, and I’m digging it. Overall, this journey had its learning curves, but that’s what it’s all about, right? Now, onto planning the next grow!


One of the first strains I ran into when I started growing, still a fan, thanks for sharing!!


Beautiful flower. Great job ! :grin:


no worries man! always happy to share :grin: and glad you’re still a fan! What other strains have you explored since then? Always looking for recommendations. Happy growing!


Thank you, man! Growing these beauties brings me so much joy. :star_struck:


@Shannah37wd, welcome to OG.


Oh gosh, that had to have been 5 years ago now, and I have only grown the same thing more than once a couple of times!

I do like growing indica-learners the best, looking forward to seeing what else you run!


Welcome to OG @Shannah37wd.

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Thanks for the warm welcome, @Tejas! Excited to share my grow journey share my progress. :+1: :grin:


Thank you, man!


Wow, time does fly! Indica-learners are great, and I’d say experimenting with different strains adds excitement to my grow at the moment. Will definitely share updates on the plants I’ll be running! :wink:


Welcome to OG! My favorite budget setup is the 4x4 I bought a year ago for $50 during Black Friday sales. Green Hut, it’s called but the zipper didn’t quite last a year.

I also have these 200W 5000K veg lights that fell off a truck on interstate 40. They weren’t designed as grow lights, obviously. But they’re built into this massive heat sink. One piece of cable and some tape and it’s a grow light.

My brother the electronics engineer made a tomato LED light (250W) a few years ago and it ended up with me after going through a couple of owners. I have it paired with a cheap 315W CMH for veg and it would be perfect if I had about 1/3 the plants I have.

Anyway I have until day length starts increasing to replace that tent and I’m going with two Mars Hydro tents and probably another CMH - like the Growers’ Choice 630NS. It’s a double-headed 315W (so 630W total) and should be perfect for the 4x4 I’m getting. I’m also adding a 2x2 brood tent but will have extra lights and probably retire the old homemade one.


That 4x4 setup sounds like a steal! Too bad about the zipper, though. DIY lights sounds rad, and are the best, especially when they “fall off a truck” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and thinking into those Mars Hydro tents myself, heard good things. Excited for your upgrade, happy growing!

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So, after nervously waiting through the flowering phase, my patience paid off big time. The colas are dense,(or so I see?) and the trichomes are glistening. I’ve got to say, the aroma is like a mix of sweet pine and earthy vibes—totally loving it.

Now, should I go for a slow cure or jump straight into the drying process? I’ve heard mixed opinions, and I want to make sure this 9 Pound Hammer from groers choice seeds delivers the best punch possible.


Looking Good but I would wait until more of the pistils turn color. Could be another two or three weeks ! Amber trichomes are another indication but some strains do not amber much.

As to the dry/cure, when the plant slows down on drinking And most of the pistils have changed color I will time it so harvest is two days after it should have been watered. And I feed right to the end.

I cut the branches off the plant and hang in the dark as close to 60 degrees/60% humidity as possible.

For me that works out to 5 to 7 days. The outside of the buds will feel crispy and the insides are still pliable. The crispy is not quite crumbly ! The snapping the stems system doesn’t work for me !

Then I will buck the buds into an appropriate sized tote and leave them overnight with a hygrometer. The 5 for $20 off Amazon are good enough to get a general idea of the rh.

If you have timed it right the buds will be below 70%. If not leave the lid off the tote for a couple of hours. Anything over 70% is mold territory.

Then twice a day I will take the lid off for a couple of minutes. My goal is to slowly over a month reduce the rh to 58%. Then I vacuum seal in mason jars and Enjoy :slight_smile:



I’d say you have 2ish weeks left before the plant is ready imo. I’d then hang dry for 10-14 days and then start to cure.


What they said👆 Definitely looks like it could use a few more weeks.


Wait a little longer

Thanks for the advice! Waiting for those pistils to change color sounds like a good tip. I’ll keep an eye on the trichomes too. Your drying/curing process is interesting. Gonna give it a shot for sure man!


yup! thanks man!