2x2 Glamorous Grapes

Back at it in the 2x2 for my second photoperiod grow having ran only one other grow plus an auto grow. We wont count the one grow back in high school this time. For now all the room I got is for a 2x2 so I’m using a Mars Hydro TSL600 for my light, Build A Soil 3.0 recipe in a 7 gallon pot for my medium, collected rain water for drinking, and I plan to SCROG this girl out. Who is this girl you may ask? Glamorous Grapes Forum GSC (F) x Grape Rock Candy x Banana Butter Cups (Reversed) by Square One Genetics is what I’m running here As I’m already growing along I can see me adding a couple more girls to the party next time to really fill up the 2x2, but maybe I shouldn’t jump the gun just yet. I’d say to my standards we just wrapped up week 1 of veg, and I definitely got a little overzealous with the transplant. Still going through seed PTSD from all those shit seed banks so might’ve transplanted a little too soon thinking she was growing too slow when really I needed patience. So now I have to really be careful with the watering as I don’t want to create a water pocket by overwatering and drown the plant. Already have a water pocket, but monitoring it. If anyone has tips for watering in big pots let me know. Overall I’d say she’s happy though. I just topped it and took the top 2 largest fan leaves about a day ago. Then today I pulled the two top leaves apart. Spread the legs if you will. Got a little aggressive pinching the top and didn’t leave much of a nub between the nodes, but she should be plenty fine. Plan to use LST tactics until I bring in the the 2x2 trellis for SCROG. Excited to see the bud display on this girl as phenos are known to be ridiculous with Square One Gentics. GSC and these is supposedly forum cut….fucking yummy. Follow the grow and I’ll be updating hopefully at minimum weekly.


Bottom watering might help. Are you planning to fill the pot with medium?


I see you have room over in that far right corner. Gonna venture over, take a seat, watch this Grow develop. Wising you all the success in the world, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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When I pot up or watering seedlings, I monitor the amount of water I give them. Every week I’ll up it a few ml. It’s easier to correct for underfeeding than over IMO. For the record I use plain coco, zero additives.
I begin feeding with an oral syringe and gradually increase to measuring cups. Throughout the grow my plants get pre measured intakes. If a plant shows more vigorous root development they get larger amounts. Occasionally I’ll water for excessive run off, but only for well established plants.


So I decided to go ahead and do some upgrades with a 2x2 320w LED, ultrasonic mist make disc, and a Niwa Grow Hub. I got a stronger light because why the fuck not. Supported my local supplier and supporting fatter buds. I moved the carbon filter all the way out the tent to save more height in the tent for the extra growth that may come with more light. I need to disconnect the carbon filter until flower. I decided to stop fucking with humidifiers after dealing with a cheap one that broke in 3 weeks. Also had to be filled 3 times a day. I got this disc mist maker because you can place it in any size reservoir. Less cleaning to deal with and can last longer. The bigger buckets like 5 gallon you can add a uv light stick to keep away mold. The one downside is it does splash a little and I don’t have the room for a bigger bucket so I have the frisbee leaned over top of it to deflect water currently until I figure out a solution. Might make a top for the bucket I’m using. Everything is on the Niwa controller now so it cuts the fan or humidifier on as needed to maintain my selected temps. You can see the recipe I’m using for temp and RH in the pictures below. The Grapes is a little over week in veg mode!


I think I need to adopt the mantra LITFA LITFA LITFA this week. Think I’m over watering baby girl in this 7gal pot. I’ve had a deep water pocket. Tried flushing it with 6 cups of water as opposed to my normal 1c and of course it’s just more wet. Watered 3 days ago and still reading moist around the plant about 4” down and reading wet at the bottom. Pot is also feeling heavy so I know it’s holding water. Any ideas? Does it look like over watering? For now I think LITFA.

Glamorous Grapes :grapes: not looking too glamorous. I gave baby girl entirely too much to drink. You could say she’s a little hungover right now. Just like a hangover all I can do is sit and wait. It’s been 5 days since water and I still pickup heavy moisture all around the plant. Even a few wet readings with my soil moisture tester in certain spots. I’ve backed the lights off to 75% to not stress her anymore, and I clipped off my yellowing 3 leaf’ers. This shit right here teaches us pure patience as waiting is all I can do. Let’s just say I can’t wait to see the resilient comeback as I know she has plenty life left

in her.

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She’ll bounce back in no time.


So the Grapes went 11 days before watering as I had been watering too frequently early on. I have since adopted the .05% per soil volume rule for my watering needs and seems to be a great starting point. Watered her yesterday with 34oz and today she’s got a perfect moisture reading and nothing too wet still. She’s on the comeback! Starting to perk up and I’ve been implementing more LST. I clipped the top 2 biggest fan leaves to allow light into the canopy.

Look at baby girl now. Had some setbacks and learned some lessons, but she can’t be anymore happy. Week 5 of flower.


She’s been chopped! I hung the whole plant after trimming the bigger fan leaves. I left a decent amount of leaves that I’ll remove after dry. I want to help preserve those terpenes by drying slowly. Leaving some foliage and stem helps that. I did my best to dry for 14days at 60F 60RH. The RH was easy to achieve but not the temp until I have a bigger space to implement an a/c. I averaged 69F and 59% RH over the 13 day dry period. I’m doing my final trim a day early as she seems ready. I’ll sweat the buds for about a day or two in brown bags then straight into grove bags into a wine cooler at 60F. I’d like to cure for at least 2 weeks, but hope to go over a month with this one. I’ll post pics once I trim these lovely buds up.


Great job :clap:

I’m looking forward to a smoke report :slightly_smiling_face:

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Surprisingly enough I yielded over 3oz. I didn’t think I would get much yield with the overwatering stress early on and the fucked up hack job of a topping I did lol. I got them heat sealed in grove bags and won’t open them for 3 weeks. 1 Oz I’d like to take 6 weeks. I’m expecting the sugar leaves to mat down during cure. I’ll post pics after they’re all cured up. The pictures just never do it justice.