Jacks 321 Hydro discussion, questions, tips, etc

You’re the 2nd person in 2 days to say this… I gotta check that out sometime.

I’ve seen the amazon listings but they’re almost double what the 5-12-26 costs here :sob: I’m having a hard time justifying it there are easier/cheaper ways to lower nitrogen. Still open to hear about people using it though.

@Mr.Sparkle Sounds similar to what I’m doing now. Do you like the results you get from this? When do you start transitioning from calnit to more gypsum?


Haifa Cal-Prime. I think it’s 1.7 grams a gallon gives me 74 ppm NO3, 2 ppm of NH4 and, 106 ppm of Ca. I usually start this mix for week 4 from transition but I supplement with Calcium Acetate to bring my elemental Ca up to 125 ppm. Starting week 5 I drop the Ca Acetate and just use the Cal Prime.


You can lower the cal nit near the end and use wsc from eggshells and vinegar.


Calcium acetate +


i use both and ratios just differ depending, like im running essentially athena in ppm elementally wise just without actually running athena as i dislike that they tie their micro nutrient profile into their calnit so your forced to by it at inflated prices compared to just straight calnit that you can get where ever.

Up until now i been using jacks 5-12-26 plus cal nit and gypsym to decently match elemental ppms, and am now moving on to megacrop part A of their 2 part line in a similar fashion with calnit and gypsym just cause jacks is hard for me to get a hold of in more reasonable volumes for myself, megacrop though with promos makes it a cheap option.


Is this good for the plants? Or is it a dry version

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I had another thread a few days ago asking about a maxibloom alternative for me to test and play with. I’m used to running maxibloom from seed to finish with great results in hempy buckets. I’ve decided to give jacks a try since it seems a little cheaper and I just want to give it a try to compare. I was on city water but now my new house is on a well. The water faucets out on the property do not go through the house filter and are straight off the well and this is where I’d like to src the water as it’s closer to the where the grow would be. The water straight from the well is crystal clear, smells and taste clean but it is acidic which is why the house has a filter. The well water is 4.8-9 from what the apera meter is saying and a total tds of 40. It seems to be fairly clean so I assume it might be sulfur causing the acidity even though it taste fine and does not smell in any way. It taste like filtered bottled water. I didn’t have to use any ph control on city water since after adding maxibloom it took it down to almost perfect. But since adding nutes generally makes the ph down down I will have to use ph up I guess. I’d like to use potassium hydroxide for this and make my own ph up. Does this sound reasonable?

I’ve been reading about Jacks and some people seem to buy the complete 321 package. A few seem to suggest all you need is the 5-12-26 and some calnit. What are the thoughts on this? I saw the 7-15-30 they have and it’s interesting but I think calnit would add to much nitrogen for a start to finish. Since my water seems to not have much in it I’d assume calmag will be needed, would calmag be better than calnit for me? I’d appreciate some input on this from the pros here as to what would be my best approach with Jacks.

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I use jacks 321, part A and B.

Per 3L of warm water:
3g part A
2.5g part B
1ml liquid silica
1ml fulvic
1ml cal mag (started this last run, not sure how much it’s adding)
Last run I also added .2g dry molasses

I run in hp promix, sometimes with some extra perlite. Sometimes I add one shot dynomyco early on. I don’t check ec or pH anymore.

Might cut it with water for very young seedlings, but mostly same mix til harvest.

Some pics.


Nice, what led light are you running?

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I have a medic grow fold 8 (that bar style one) in my 4x4. I rarely turn it up all the way, but the light distribution is very even.

I also have a hlg 300ish and some sonofarmer light. Been running the sonofarmer in my 3*4 for veg.


You can use potassium hydroxide as a pH down, its what i use.

Jack 321 is just the 5-12-26, calcium nitrate, and epsom salt, so you dont need to buy as a kit as typically calnit by itself is cheaper through some shops, and the epsom salt is arguable if you need it but again cheaper and easier to get elsewhere.

And as for your calnit comments, you dont have to run it through out as one can fade off it at the end but you’ll want something to keep your calcium up instead, so gypsum or calcium chloride is what most use, but the later is for sterile systems.


You mean ph up? For taking the ph down I used sulfuric acid from the auto store. For hempy buckets I’m thinking calcium chloride as it might help make sure the root zone stays healthy as the summer temps go up. Is that what you meant when you said the latter is for sterile systems…because of the chloride? My concern is I’ve never had well water before, have always used city water but now I’m on a well. The water is slightly acidic 4.8 ish but the tds on both my meters is about 45-50ppm…so I guess I get some cal/mag experience coming up on how much to add and what too little or too much looks like. I wonder why Jacks doesn’t put calcium in the base like maxi?

Thanks for your time sparkle.

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Yeah I ment up, and yeah sterile due to the chlorine, as for the reason for the absence of calcium is i think itbbinds with the other components and forms an insoluble form, and 50ppm is nothing,


Started reading this thread this am, looking for a new nute line.

I run growpito/mapito in autopots. In a recent run I had a bit of root rot from the older roots, I pull the larger stuff best I can.

Recently read about Cannazym for this issue and just started using it.

Been running megacrop for years, but having issue with overflows from the sludge buildup.

Is the cannazym compatible with salt base such as the Jack’s 321 I’m considering? I believe iv read salt would negate the effect?

I’m nute stupid, looking for simple, somewhat cheap that flat out works with proper usage. I can follow a recipe but lack the experience in reading a plant and taking correct corrective action. Would you recommend the 321 to me?


You could try the canna line but it’s not cheap at all

As you know I use cannazym and I use jacks

I’ve seen no issues but I will search for any negatives Ty for pointing that out



@Papalag @GCBudz I use Canna line and cannazym is ok for salt nutes
Canna Is not cheap tho


Thank You… everybody agrees the Canna is pricey, i think i have to try the Jacks first. If i’m not happy i’ll take another look.

Thanks, sorry to take offtopic.


Have you ever used pool shock to keep things sanitized? If so I’m curious how much to one gallon is suggested to maintain a clean healthy reservoir and not harm the plat?

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There is a very extensive thread on another site. " Make $2200 worth of “Clear Rez” for $4 !!!"


Just a note. Personally, if I had the option and was looking to buy, I think I’d go with Masterblend. They’ve already altered the formula/ratios slightly, based on feedback from gardeners (I think). They made the formula based on requests from gardeners (likely, or definitely cannabis growers - again - I forget), which is cool.
Might only be available from CHN.

Check out the ingredients to make the masterblend (the derived from), it’s pretty easy (to approximate. GMA is…not very trustworthy).

Anything else?

@Mr.Sparkle Have you considered “Plant-Prod” stuff? They’re “canadian” and much cheapter than Jacks.

@GCBudz If in canada, maybe check out “Plant-Prod” (6-11-31, or any of their other formulas).

Search the site for “hypochlorite” or “calcium hypochlorite”. There are some online calculators too. And I have it entered into hydrobuddy to do the calculations as well. Also, preparedness crowd use it as well - with guidelines from the US military/army on how to sterilize water sources, etc.
I don’t remember off the top, but I’ve got links and stuff somewhere.