(complete) Jalisco :Mexico: Landrace Co-op Seed Run

I only commented on f-ing up the wiki once before

Fair enough @BIGJ , then someone else put you on the list. This is also a violation of the rules, not by you, by whomever decided to put you on the list and in the wrong location. With the wiki closed I have no ability to go back and see who that was but you can blame whoever did that for the confusion.

Ok. I’m sorry if I come off as an a-hole but that really irritated me . I follow the rules of the forum. I don’t start any sh!t and don’t want any especially if I had nothing to do with it. Like I said I don’t sign up for a whole lot.unlike some here that have to be on every one. I’m not a seed hog ,I have seeds. only on occasion I see something that peaks my interest , if I see it in time. Thank you and if you didn’t already and can take my name off give to someone else. I don’t want to be in the naughty list!!


No problem man, you are not on any naughty list. I appreciate you pointing out that it was not you as you revealed another issue that we now need to deal with.

My bad! I signed up too, only now realizing that I am back to “member” status. Sorry! Thanks!



That doesn’t matter bud. You have the regular emeritus badge which allows you to sign up for TL3. The badge was created for just this reason. It is granted to all that become TL3. It essentially gives you TL3 access to seed runs forever. That’s it’s only advantage and sole purpose. A number of TL2 folks are in the TL3 spot because they posses that badge. Going forward we will make the sign up say TL3 / Regular Emeritus. You can find info on the badge here bud.


I give you guys credit who have to deal with all the behind the scene stuff and the mad dash of sign up bumping . Maybe do a first day for Regs and next day everyone?


just signed up, just read temp closed :rofl: damn

:evergreen_tree: you said the magic word


Naw man, it’s not the sign ups, it’s the users. They need to slow down and read through the Co-op docs. There is a clear doc on wiki etiquette. Another one on how to sign up noting that if you sign up others both names will be removed. If folks want to enjoy the Co-op’s they need to take the 5 min out and read the do’s and don’ts.


The random generator is open we are closing the master sign up list to edit.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Abuse of leader powers :joy:


Man, you live in a better place than me to grow this lillies :seedling:, you can take my spot if you’re not lucky in the draft … beer3|nullxnull

Edit: Wooooooot! icon_e_surprised|nullxnull If you use your super-powers my offer goes to @Oldtimerunderground:joy:


I have moved that sign up to it’s own post so it won’t get buried. You should sign up for the draw for the open spots @cannabissequoia


Will do, sorry for anyone that was confused

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Its Cryptic Labs Oaxaca. Depending on when i sent them to you or if you requested i may have sent seed from only the tall stretchy plants, or only the short ones, but normally grabbed a few seeds from each plant i grew. Turpentine/ Pine is common in this line. So is mint, incense/ Frankincense


Thanks for posting this, Doug… even though I was fairly certain I had read that Regular Emeritus people still qualified as Regulars for the purpose of the Co-op sign-ups in the back of my head I’m always second guessing myself on that point.


Not to get too off subject but is there a way to track what level your at and how close to next level? Is there a thread I’m missing or that something a mod needs to check

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Sorry to be dim, but can anyone explain to me how to put “Regular Emeritus” next to my username? I looked at my profile page but can’t quite figure it out.

Er, wait, no, I found it I think. Amazing what a simple search can do.


After going thru 194 edits. The list is complete before draw. Three open TL2 and Three open TL3 to be drawn.

:green_heart: :seedling:


In the preferences, under Title there is a drop down menu. Select from there