Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

I feel that about aging it longer for drowsy effects.
I been working with a few that can floor you without making you yawn or drowsy.
Then there are the opposite kind that can that can put you on the couch, same thing. No sleep…. For days sometime if it’s too young.
Ever smoke something that puts you to sleep but it want let you because it’s too young. Crazy effects. Just thought you had something special up your sleeve for Frankie. Peace.

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How old are you in this picture @JohnnyPotseed


I ran her on clones only, cuz. No story to it really, lol I’d just let the mothers go for anywhere from 4-6 yrs, retire the old worn out mother while picking the prettiest new clone to take her place. The Frankenstein mothers I have growing now is the 5th-6th cloning generation of the same plant I ended up with after my breeding program. Well, one of the seven I ended up with lol
I always made sure I had plenty of Frankie mothers, so she’d never die out.


Nope, I sure don’t. 20+ years ago, I was straight up underground, gorilla and sooo paranoid lol would post a pic now and then, and delete them within minutes sometimes., along with my posts.
Being legal now for the past 4 years, it’s a whole different game!

I did have several thousand seeds from the final breeding program. Sold to another commercial grower here in OK the first year we came back, and his son let them all die in the ground from lack of attention!
I guess that’s karma lol I was originally hired to come here as his ‘Master Grower’ but I don’t play well with others trying to micro-manage me over my shoulder! So quit and got a grower license ourself! He had his son take over his op…(neither of them had grown before!)
They didn’t last but a year


That’s a familiar story with a lot who thought they could have a commercial op. And why I will never be anyones grower………


Yep cuz, it sounded & looked good but… He ordered 1000 clones and the seeds, offered me 125k/year plus bonus. We’d had a few year relationship on the coast, so I figured it would be ok lol He’d only bought & sold ganja for years prior to getting his license here, no actual growing experience. Then he watched a couple of ‘how to’ videos on You-tube and figured he knew as much, or more, than I did… lol

I felt some satisfaction in the fact that he went under in the first year, while we managed to keep going for several years until health issues put us both down here, and we had to retire… but not because of inability to grow! lol


Yep no the type all to well. I was actually offered a job for about the same yearly but he knew diddly about growing and proceeded to tell me how he wanted it done. I just laughed and walked away. He quit after the first year after spending a small fortune on all the crap he wanted plus built a building for it. I think he ended up losing about $100,000 after it was all said and done.


lol Almost the exact same story here!
I’m just glad he paid for the clones and seeds before he went under! Otherwise there mighta been a small war going on here in OK! :rofl: :+1:
That was a goodly chunk of change! But paid on delivery, so all’s well lol


Hope you don’t mind my posting this on here Johnny. If so, it’s gone.
My reversal of Johnny’s Frankenstein is proving to be just as hard as the first attempt. This is a very strongly set plant (genetically speaking). From what I have read, a female plant that is sprayed won’t produce female hormones for five days and then you spray again. Last time I had to spray every three days before I had any results. I’m doing that this time and this is what I’m seeing.

I began spraying two weeks before flipping. Isn’t that a perfect looking female bud?!
OK so now I begin spraying STS every other day. I’ll have some flowers or she’ll die in the attempt.
My next try, if this doesn’t work, is obtaining another cutting and begin spraying minute amounts even while they are in the cloner. Then building up dosages as it grows in 12/12 from start to finish. I believe that may make the difference. Any ideas out there would be appreciated.

Here is the closet. The one on the right is the treated one. I thinned out the one on the left a little to uncover some bud sites but the one I’m reversing hasn’t been thinned. I believe I shall do that today when I spray.

Since I had to pull her out anyway to spray, here’s a couple of my straight Frankenstein’s

That yellowing look is because of the light from the closet hitting her.


That first pic at the top looks like the one finger of the fan leaf is flipping you off


Well, they are in there to make babies after all @CosmoNut . :slight_smile:


Just wanted to update the Johnny Potseed Genetics we have going…

Back during our last run, I ran out of space, so set the seedlings aside (Solo cups) due to plants getting bigger faster than expected, and running out of room… they were the last to pop,so were the ones set aside.

HOWEVER: They just kept going…now they are repotted and vegging a few weeks before going 12/12… one of the Frankenstein Unicorn Poop seems to be a male–so has been moved to remote location to wait for and catch pollen.

The Frankenstein clones-- and ALL my clones got left in the room when I changed the time to 12/12 (memory issues! Just forgot to move them!) so everything turned into buds-- but I moved them and re-vegged–and they are doing great!!
Pretty sure it’s called ‘Frankenstein’ because it keeps on living no matter what!!
Blue Light District 11-16-22

Frankensteing x unicorn poop A  11-16-22


Frankie in flower 17 days from flip

Octopots rule


That’s a nice looking bush!


Maan I wish I had more in the bank, I read pretty much this whole thread, now I want to grow some of that legendary Frankenstein! Currently between jobs, but I love how this is a native OG strain. Some of the pictures of the crosses looked pretty spectacular too. Keep up the good work johnny


my mistake lol thought we were on the circus thread!


Bloody Monsters soon to flip…

Frankencuts expertly shipped coming to after 5 days in the dark.


Thnx for posting cuz. Them gals are looking good! Damn glad the cuttings made it and are recovering from the trip nicely. Damn snail-mail!


The way you packed them was perfect. I was afraid they might freeze but they made it.


Sale is officially over folks! I want to thank everyone that helped.