Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

Morning JP!
Morning @CanuckistanPete, @crownpoodle, @olschool!
Morning everyone!!
Great Sunday to all!! :palm_tree: :busts_in_silhouette: :footprints:


Morning everyone! I’m in like jail but love to y’all!

Fun Sunday AM share: i’m working on my “plant pornography” set-up and here’s my first test run using my seeded Jalisco :mexico: Landrace at flowering week 10:

Still needs tweaking but the foundation is finally solid enough to ensure the build will last :metal:


Happy morning you fucks!

I’m typing this on my new set up. Got a no name mini pc for free. It’s the height of my phone and maybe 2/3s as wide but it’s a “tower” with Intel something in it and windows 10. I have it hooked up to a 55" tv in my mancave and while adjusting to mechanical keyboard is more challenging than I would have expected I’m loving it! I did it mainly so I could scroll guitar pro tabs on the tv but it’ll stream 1080 video and stuff so it’s a movie streaming machine too!




That’s an incredible setup bro. Sadly, I’m too slowhanded to use tabs. I understand them but … Too slow.!

Good morning to everyone. Have a great Sunday.


Many of the softwares can change the tempo of the tabs playback so you learn slow to then shred fast :metal:


Game changer. The tabs are on the TV, the tv is already hooked to a stereo. Just mute the guitar parts and become the guitar part :sunglasses: I was doing this with my laptop anyway but this is a million times better.

I learned on tab print outs back in the day and only know how to play based on tabs so when they made the pro ones that scroll and play backing it wasn’t too much of a leap thankfully. The best part is that it forced me to not look at my hand while I played and I feel like a ton of improvement came from that alone.


It really bothered my Mom (who taught music) that i could site-read Tab but can’t read music notion at all.

Mom: Tab just a bunch of numbers on lines?!
Me: Music notation just a bunch of dots with flags on lines!

We are so similar fighting is our first reaction with each other :rofl:



Nice! I’m a Traynor man myself. :wink: (YBA-1, 1969, 100w tube)


Never played through a Traynor but I’ve heard good things!

I used to read sheet music for drums but after years of not doing it it’s gibberish to me now. Crazy how something can be second nature and then completely alien.

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Good morning my cannabis compatriots. I hope your day is as close to a perfect as we can have this side of Heaven.
Too preachy? I don’t think so. :slight_smile:


I have my trusty Fender Tweed Blues Junior. And my Marshall DSL40c.


It’s a “Made in Toronto Marshal Knockoff” which ended up taking off! If I turn mine above “1” it’s DEAFENING and the windows warble. Granted my pedal chain and 2x sealed 12" stack makes for some THICK AIR MOVEMENT :rofl:

I have an a/b/y pedal I use to blend it with my Fender Princeton 112 Solid state. FUCKING DOOMY and the ABY allows for Left/right play when wanting to get extra weird without my hand on a mixing board.

My vocals are punched though a bit-crusher with octave shift :rofl:


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Happy Sunday, or laundry day for me. Throw in a load smoke some and repeat as often as needed :+1:t2:


Mine is a DSL15H. The DSLs are great sounding amps!

I believe it. Mine is only 15w and I haven’t had it above 2 (and it took ear filters to get near that. I’m only using a 2x12 cab but it sounds good. Had to go Bogner since Jerry Cantrell uses his stuff :metal:


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone.

@JohnnyPotseed hope the Mrs potseed is recovering well!

I’m completely lost in this music conversation! It does seem that it’s making a lot of sense to some of you😂


Solid selling point. :metal:

I love Electric Wizards tone so much I own 2 FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz’s :rofl:


Good Sunday morning Johnny!

I hope all ya all have a relaxing Sunday…
Lazy Sunday


You hear about the recent controversy surrounding EW? Their latest album was released on a label that’s known for Nazi bands or something.

I wouldn’t mind a hyper fuzz! I have that Black Arts Coven pedal which is pretty sick but I rarely even use it. I usually use my Guv’nor pedal and if I’m feeling fuzzy I just add vibrato to everything :laughing:


I need to dig out my old pedalboard. Have not used any pedals in a couple years. Just liked the tone of the amplifier and it’s settings. I have a Big Muff Pi that makes my Les Paul sound incredible thru that Marshall. I liked the Flashback pedal too. My wife got me a Ditto Looper that is still brand new. 2 years ago this Christmas. I should plug it up and figger out how to use it.


fuck that sucks. That tone though.

One of my fave weird pedals is the EHX Freeze Sound Retainer; I use it on my vocals so I can Om or throat chant and it holds the tone forever. In line after it is a Digitech Whammy with midi in so i can really map the tone held all over the place without loosing my voice :rofl:

I use a digitech jamman stereo… shit gets weird really fast.