Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

lol I’ve cut out so many things as I got older, hell I let myself know I’m still alive by eating good food!


I’m lucky and, from what I’ve read, you are too. My wife is such a good cook that she can even make food that’s good for you taste good.


Yeah, this woman here tries the same, but some things just aren’t the same. Like using margarine instead of butter in her cakes etc
She gave up on that when I wouldn’t eat the ‘healthier’ stuff and it just goes to waste

I’ll take a lot of abuse lol just don’t go messing with my food!

I’ve gone from eating a whole cake & a gallon of milk in one sitting, to just a glass of milk and a single-serve slice of cake…
but it still has to be ‘the good stuff’!

We made that compromise years ago, after I fell, shattered my spine and went from super active to almost complete inactive


Bro! Margarine is not near as good for you as unprocessed butter anyway! We use goat butter. There is a group of locals that trade foodstuffs that we all produce. You are right. Meat from big chain industry is not healthy for you. It is an unfortunate necessity for most though. They don’t live our kind of life.


I ate the same as I did when active, and went from 200-210 up to 275 lol That’s when she decided I was gonna eat healthy. I just used some self control and refrained from going back for 2nds or 3rds lol
She’s happy with that compromise


I can’t, nope, no way lol gotta have meat to be considered a meal. I can’t survive on celery and lettuce!
But I agree totally with that

Don’t misunderstand me, I like veggies too, just as a part of the sides not the main course! lol I’m sorry (NOT) but I’m no vegetarian


I agree with that!

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Just had some venison sausage gravy and homemade biscuits the other night!


Out of all the things I miss in my old lifestyle, getting out hunting and fishing is what I miss most! Back on the coast, I did crop damage control for friends and family that didn’t allow hunting on their lands. One year I processed like 17 deer total, giving over half of it to ‘Hunters for the hungry’

I didn’t take out any ‘trophy’ deer, just culled the herds


You know, I have heard few shots this season. It’s like the younger folks have just kinda quit going out.


That can be a good thing, for farmers/ranchers that hate getting their cattle and horses shot by F’idiots that shoot before they look!

All 3 of my boys learned how to track, etc and are all conscientious hunters.


I was at a truck stop one time and overheard one of the guys at the next table say “I didn’t see anything but I got off a couple of sound shots”. I shit you not! I almost laughed at the joke until I realized he wasn’t joking!


SMH… that crap is exactly what I’m talking about!
If shooting is all they wanna do, then go to a damn range!


Well, I could tell you stories bro. Like some moron cutting loose with a full auto and spraying the limbs of the tree I was sitting in. I about broke my leg in the landing.


sheeesh I can feel an old-fashioned ass-whooping coming on there!

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I knew it was one of a local family but which one would be impossible to nail down. Besides, their hasn’t been a family back and forth an a long long time. Best that way. That whole family don’t see much daylight if you know what I mean.

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lol I’m guessing you’re talking about ‘much daylight’…without bars in the way?

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No. There’s country folk. There’s hill folk. And then there’s deep woods folk. They don’t see much daylight because they never don’t have a tree over their heads.
They are a whole world different kind of folk. Great friends, terrible enemies.


I know the type well lol


Well, my better half just claimed the rest of the evening. Catch you guys on the flip-side.