Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

Same here, they butcher and process. Also do hunter’s kills. Butcher & process deer, boar, etc they have all kinds of meat available
The gator tail filet steaks are off the hook delish lol

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I would agree with you on that processed vs solid for every other type of meat out there but we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Matter of fact my late breakfast has just been decided! :laughing:

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I found, and worked a trade for some already cuz. I’m not in shape to be spending the kinda money them shops want! lol


I am with you a Hundred on that one.
Following the string J

Sorry to interrupt Breakfast.

Butcher at the Market does a Killer P Roll. Cheers to that !
I’ve got germinating seeds calling me.
Nice typing at you @Slick1
Ciao L & G


Where are you that you’ve been blessed with the presence of pork roll?


Our local butcher shop shut down during C. The guy sold the building but it looked like he stripped it clean of equipment so the new owners are, probably, not opening up another butcher shop. That’s a shame. The old boy had been there over 30 years.


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone.
I’ve caught up and now I’m off to scavenge some breakfast


Peoples Republic of Ontario, Pt Edward & the Sarnia Market, south-side of the operation “Country Butcher”


The back country butcher shop that we go to has better meats, better selection, and better prices than any regular grocery store, including the 2 Wally Worlds that are closer. lol
So needless to say, lol that’s where go!
It’s only a couple of minutes drive further to them


Eww, Walmart meat, no bueno. I refuse, lol.
That’s actually a lie. Two years ago I was grocery shopping hungry(big mistake, I know), and happened to find myself at the meat. Big cowboy ribeye, decent price, cut and marbling looked decent enough. Couldn’t resist. I reverse did a reverse sear and it turned out pretty damn good.


We do go to WallyWorld, a lot, lol but it’s for bulk items mostly. Meats? oh hell no!
Bread, coffee, fruits & veggies etc

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Yeah, we only end up at Walmart if we cant find the bulk at Sam’s Club. And if I have to eat any other hamburger meat than that from the packer spoken about previously…it don’t taste right. My wife’s east coast family sends me big boxes of Omaha Steak Co. stuff for my birthday every year. Even that stuff.


We used to call them Hawg Head biscuits.


Yeah Walmart has gotten so expensive with their meat prices anyway, at least they used to be cheap! My hometown grocery has better prices even full price. With the sales there and the discount meat actually half off and not .25 off a big pack like Walmart i don’t even try

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Never heard em called that lol but as long as they were ‘fist sized’ & slathered in butter, I’d certainly eat them, buttermilk or sourdough lol
hell lol even ‘regular’ or standard biscuits, for that matter!
I always hated those tiny things some folk called ‘biscuits’

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After that, as long as the cook knows how to brown the flower to just the right smell. You got good eating right there. It’s gotta be one of my favorite dishes.
Of course the fact that about five years ago I’m told that I agreed to eat better, which meant cutting out starches…
I miss biscuits and gravy…
Hash is good. lol


I ain’t stopping enjoying my food for nothing! I just eat less, one helping, no seconds. The single helping is reduced also, but… I’m gonna damn sure eat what I want/like!
I’ve dropped almost 60lbs in the past 4-5 yrs eating that way

Went from 6’4" 275lbs down to about 215lbs


She has to put up with me. I guess I can put up with some of her efforts to keep me around. She worries less that way. lol