Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

I was thinking about a way to test this… and there definitely is one, but then I realized I don’t care enough to spend money on sex testing seedlings anyway. :wink: Do you use Farmer Freeman’s testing? If so, maybe next time you’re starting seedlings you could have him test all of them, then keep them growing in 60 degree temps for a few more weeks. If it really results in seedlings changing sex, you’ll presumably get a lot of wrong results from FF. If they’re all correct, it had nothing to do with temperature.

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Let’s move on here lol


Well it also lets you join seed runs in TL3 list.

But if you have good friends like @Oldjoints and @JohnnyPotseed you can get quality genetics anytime you want them.


Second morning everyone. :slight_smile:
I’m alive!


Good to hear lol I’d hate to be talking to you if you weren’t! :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

smartass huh? lol

@blowdout2269 But I know exactly how ya feel cuz lol I think I’m coming back to life here myself, finally after coffee & joint


I think my second cup has got me there. Gonna attempt an early start on my sentence. Hopefully my time in trim jail will be over today. Seriously, I need to outsource this shit. If my family needed any, I’d just tell em to take it and trim it them damn selves this time. Boy, them gals really got away from me this grow. :man_shrugging:

I’ve been looking at the smaller trim machines lately. I always trimmed by hand, the machines make everything look the same. Not too fond of that, but it’s getting really hard on me, trimming. They’re fairly inexpensive for some

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I’m not to fond of spinners either. Just doesn’t seem natural as compared to what I was raised with. I’ve watched many videos and read lots of reviews. They just don’t actually seem to get the stem of the sugar leaves out of the flower. I’m sure my ODC doesn’t help my situation, lol.
Plus, if I’m not mistaken, most of those machines require a wet trim. And that is just not viable most of they year in my climatic conditions. I need a good long slow dry. Mostly cured before ever sealed in buckets and jars. Ya know?

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Yep IKR lol same thoughts/feelings with me

I was trimming flower by the age of 10 on grampa’s Ganja farm lol
Harvest time, it was ‘all hands on deck’ 17 cousins, my pop & uncle, grampa etc lol
I don’t think I would ever be happy with what it produces, BUT… it’d be a life saver for this ol fart!


Some call it old fashion. I call it correct.

I thought it was Thursday!! What a

Happy hump day :frowning: !


Just make it all into Bubble Hash and you don’t have to trim. You’re welcome.


Yeah it definitely appears like you log in everyday. Strange. Either way it’s something new for me. Not much difference so far though

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You, sir, have Regular emeritus status. I doubt anyone considers you less than a Regular. This badge is permanent, you will be considered a regular forever. This badge allows you to sign up in the TL3 tier.


Good afternoon JP. Good afternoon everyone
We’re over half way through hump day!


Is that Friday i see?



This is true. One does not need the Regular status once it’s obtained.
It is just a point of aggravation and contention tome. That’s all. And when someone brings up the status they have gained it just makes my situation rear it’s ugly head again. It’s all good.


Ya, but look at all those pips!!!


Yup! Gladys Knight would be proud, right?


You KNOW she would!