Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

I oughta attempt making gummies again someday. Though the first time was a massacre.

Hey…thanks for asking. Been all over the map, painwise. It’s when it’s dark it gets difficult. But I got OG.

Yeah, dark and cold. My back is still pretty effd, but well see in a few days if the injections did anything. And yeah, my shit knees always tell me when a storm’s coming.

I made almost 3# coconut butter last week. Between lotion for my wife’s arthritis, rice crispie bars, and snickerdoodles this will last a couple months. I have 2 gallons of Iso, a gallon of Ethanol, plenty of weed,and time. Never made oil and I’d rather not fuck up. Need someone to show me this process, not a video.
@JohnnyPotseed you want us to rattle about edibles and oils somewhere else? Or you in on that too?


Lol, he ain’t up yet. I think he’s CST. Really I shouldn’t be up either. I’m MST. Been a weird couple weeks with health problems. Normaly I’m up at 4:30 for work and asleep in bed by 9:30. Feelin like an old man.
Ok, so if you’ve made a tincture with food grade alcohol before. Oil is easy. Just reduce it on a double boiler and evaporate the ethanol. I just do a deep pan on a pot. The edges can have rising bubbles, but no roiling boil on the ethanol pan. And remember, NO OPEN FLAMES. I have a glass topped electric range. You can take it all the way to oil, or just reduce it to a much stronger tincture. And I meen much stronger. :slight_smile:
Oh, and carmels. I can send you link to best and easiest carmels recipe.


Carmels? Nice! I had read about using a rice cooker for the evap part. Yeah, send a link if you have one.

I’m PST. I worked swing shift or later for 15 I surfedcand fished commercially. I’m awake or not. No use fighting it. That annoys the missus too. “Why were you drinking coffee at 3am?” “Cuz it was cold and it sounded good?” Coffee always sounds good.


Never hear of a rice cooker. I think I’ve read about a crock pot/slow cooker to make butter or reduce tincture.
This is the carmel recipe I’ve been using for years. I would suggest silicone molds, rather than having to cut up sheets. It so much easier. The only downside to this recipe is that is not shelf stable. The carmels must remain in the fridge or freezer because they’re made w butter.
Huh, it’s at the top Google search for “cannabis carmels” these days.

Gotta agree with the coffee comment 100%!
It’ll be 7PM and I’ll fire up the espresso machine. I can feel her staring at me through the wall. What?!? It sounds good! Coffee really doesn’t effect my sleep either. But I have to have it in the morning or I will not be a pleasant person to be around, lol.


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s happy hump day.


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers & OG…


I 'm not a Bon Jovi fan but this is funny.


Guten morgen @JohnnyPotseed @CanuckistanPete @Greenfingers and the rest of you!


Lol goodnight folks. Woke up and couldn’t back to sleep but the weights on my eye lids tell me its time to roll back to dream land. Pst lol


Guten tag ve hiest du?


Good morning all! I found out last night I made it to level 3, saweet


Morning JP!
Morning @Natea, @420noob, @buck90, @CanuckistanPete and @Greenfingers!
Morning everyone!!
Great Wed. to all!!
:footprints: :sunglasses:


Good Morning OG!


I’ve been here a long time, as you can see. They took my regular status away and here we are a year later and I’m still just member level. Not that you get anything extra with the regular status. It’s just a point of aggravation to me.

Oh. Good morning friends!


Same as me cuz lol but for different reason. Doesn’t make any difference to me, really could not care less.


They can take mine and I would care less. Only benefit is the private lounge and I have seen no benefit to access to it.


Me either really.
I figger if I’m going to be outed as an asshole, I’m gonna be a dam good one.


How to decrease growing times in your average plants:

  1. Grow a landrace sativa indoors. (12-22 weeks minimum)
  2. Grow any 6-10 week strain.

After spending 1/2 a year doing #1, #2 is now perceptively MUCH FASTER.

:rofl: :v:

Morning everyone!!!