Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Lol, thats what im talking about.:green_heart:


Everything in there gets hit with BBP cuz. For some it’s been weekly for awhile, for others , like the newer/younger plants, its the first time. The only thing not used BBP on (yet) is the seedlings, they’re not quite old enough yet. lol
I highly recommend @BudBusterPro to any and all growers not using it yet…!


The PBB does have some crossing in their future, cuz. For that matter, pretty much everything you see will get hit with pollen from different strains!
I have pollen on hand from;
Frankenstein fem
Blue Sunshine reg
Island Sweet Skunk fem
Paonia Purple Paralyzer reg
Blue Kush reg
BOG Sour Bubble reg

Decisions, decisions, decisions… lol

But, these are decisions I love having to make!!



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One I’m really looking forward to is the Triforce. I’m crossing the Frosted Cobra with Fem Frankie (already done) Then growing out some of those beans to cross with the Triforce (obtained in a trade with @HolyAngel ) And that will be called ‘Mic Drop’! Have you seen the buddage from TriForce and Frosted Cobra? Woooeee and to get Frankie’s influence on both of those in the same cross (a 3way)… damn, I can’t wait! :scream: :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :wink: :+1:


The 12" pots I see you finish you plants in quite often what are they in the 2-3 gallon range? Also, is there a link to your seed site or list I could peek at?


The 12" pots are 3gal cuz, yep. Anything smaller, the plants potential isn’t really reached, anything bigger doesn’t really give you much more than what I get. Although 5gal can give a bit more, I’m not going to use up that much space on any.

At least, lol they say 3gal, I think more like 2&1/2 gal…

Also here’s a link

Those Island Sweet Skunk in the back of 1st pic are over 7’ atm cuz, in the 12" pots.


I have to say 5 gallon is my #1 go to pot size either plastic or felt. I see a very noticeable difference in the size of my autos when grown in a 5 gal instead of a 3 gal. This HubbaBubbaMelloScope is in a 5 gallon fabric pot. She has been reversed with STS and is sprouting pollen sacks nicely on the branch I treated. I think she would be considerably smaller in a 3 gallon but I’m working on a plan to grow bigger, better producing plants in smaller pots.


Using the BBP makes things easier. The 3gal/12" pots does just fine. The plants get good sized and yield, without taking up so much floor space. I know, lol there’s a lot of space in the ‘farm-inna-barn’ since not commercial any more, but still…
@LoveDaAutos I understand why you’d use 5gal, especially where you are! The fewer plants you have if ever bothered by ‘the man’, the better off you are. We lived on the coast for over 20yrs in a non-legal state. Growing 3-500 plants in several rooms of the last home for all that time. Always looking over your shoulder and being super careful! lol


Here’s a few pics of some other plants(very recently) in the 12" pots, in the flower room.

Same plant a couple weeks later
The flower room last time i took a pic. … 2 weeks ago


Looking good in there so are those for smoking or your making more seed with them?


Everything is about the seeds lol. But there’s always plenty of buddage for smoking too!
That pic is old btw, there’s 12 plants in there, the last group of 4 have been in the flower room for 4&1/2 weeks now.
Those 8 plants are 3 Icream Cake, 2 Frankenstein, 1Frosted Cobra, 1 Buddha’s Cane, 1Island Sweet Skunk
All have been hit with Fem Frankie dust. The last batch that went in are 1 each of Frankie, ISS, FC, BC. All of them will be hit with ISS fem pollen

I reckon I should sneak in and grab a pic of the flower room sometime soon, lol.


As you can see in the last pic post#3111, I LST the hell outta some of them gals! lol
Pinch the stalk with a pair of pliers, then bend over at the pinch.


lol good one cuz, or how about Frankie’s nuts?
lol just kiddin! :crazy_face: :wink:


You’ve got the plant nice and spread open to give it lots of light and air.

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It yielded very nice when it was harvested. Don’t remember exact numbers offhand, but I was happy, lol.


I just wanted to pop on and say goodnight my friend. Your grow looks stellar, as par for your course.
Bless you brother.


Hope you sleep well, cuz! Thnx for the kind words.


Once again, it’s time to say
lol While also saying
God Morning IG!


G night bro.
Btw, my vote’s for Frankie’s Nuts! :rofl:

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