Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Morning OG… don’t you hate when you get everything ready to do an autoflower run, do research and buy the seeds from a “breeder” and get the seeds and find out that out of 12 seeds 2 are actually viable… ugg need to start over. anyways sorry for the vent… Happy Sunday everyone…


I sure as hell know they didn’t come from me!? A ‘reputable’ seed shop, or what?
Seems they’d offer to replace, if they’re reputable…


no man they didn’t come from you lol, im not gonna call out who, but they did come from strainly if that is any clue lol…oh i contacted him and suddenly they have no more but when they get fresh ones they will supposedly hook me up… then said have a nice summer lol…

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lol say no mo I’m almost sure of the culprit…

lol i bet…

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Morning friends and family.


I don’t go on any other sites, only here on OG. But he was touted here for awhile by others, I spent $100 with him on a bunch of autos in 2021, they were NOT ‘autos’

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heck i would not of minded if they at least were viable lol

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Morning everyone.
Pre-Monday coming in hot! :crazy_face:


If you know anyone that has reliable autos for a poor person let me know in dm if you will please…

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Honestly cuz, I don’t know of any selling autos, that I’d recommend. I know there are several growers on here that do good jobs with autos, but they aren’t sellers, maybe trade.

sounds good lol , i would not even want to trade these seeds i have left from this one, cause they prob wont work and it would be dishonest… I will have to do better research, just no way i can pay 7-10 per seed for a small family grow… You know…

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ikr? lol I was so disgusted i just tossed em outdoors to do whatever.

Man, that feller (M***) on Strainly is really shitting on his own name ain’t he?
He should go back to selling regs. I have bought regs from him a few years ago and those turned out good.


I’m pretty sure if you ask nicely there are some here that will give you some autos. Heck I may have some…PM me your address.


Morning OG! Finally got some good sleep!


wow thanks for the nice offer, but your located in canada right? I am in the US and would rather not deal with customs if you know what i mean… but thanks so much for the offer…


I get that. It is done all the time though and in two years on here, I’ve never heard of a problem other than loosing seeds that they throw away when they find them. lol
I get them from up North from time to time myself.


We send seeds back and forth all the time. No customs if in a plain envelope


Ok, but like I said, plenty of nice folks on here…maybe look for an auto thread and ask nicely?