Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

You know, I saw the wild bird seed that my mom bought last year. Danged if there wasn’t hemp seeds in the bag! If that’s allowed for a bird seed company then what’s a few pot seeds among friends. lol


Yes M on strainly…everybody knows.

And I agree about asking nicely.

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Good morning everyone. Looking great @JohnnyPotseed ! Sounds like some beautiful new beans coming down the pike.

Hope everyone has a great day


Hey @JohnnyPotseed, I have a question. Ya think some 115 proof moonshine will be ok as a replacement for everclear for one and done?

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No I don’t think it would do the job cuz.

Ok I’ll stop and grab some everclear. I know it’s a bit stronger 190 proof.

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I guess I’ll just have to drink the shine👍🏻


I would say yes. As an equivalent alcohol dosage you could use 130.4ml of 115 proof instead of 75ml of 200 proof and decrease the water by 45.4ml to compensate for that substitution.

Analogously, that would be 123.9ml of 115 proof alcohol instead of 75ml of 190 proof, with a decrease of 48.9 ml of water to compensate for that substitution.


Using the Ethanol has a dual purpose cuz. Read post#87

“Use of ethanol vs isopropyl is primarily because the ethanol-oil combo is better at getting through the insect cuticle AND ethanol is actually utilized by the plant cells to form carbohydrates so it’s kind of a win-win !”


Thanks Johnny, I can get it at the grocery store. I knew there was a reason.


Cool! Yes, I read the suggestion… The question was about moonshine and Moonshine is ethanol, same as everclear, and isopropyl is an equivalent alcohol that is used in most commercial offerings and which studies show has a higher toxicity to insects than ethanol.

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Sorry cuz, I’m not ‘up’ on all the chemistry involved. Nor am I up to a discussion on the pros & cons or merits of stuff like this. I only know the mix had a lot of thought went into it, by a smarter man than me. I trust him and his work…

Follow the instructions, or not. It’s entirely up to anyone that decides to try.
But, I hate to think of wasted effort, or money.


Heres a shot of your fem Frankenstein, getting a little natural light today.


Looking very healthy there!
ya got my last like for awhile, lol
Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 11-49-12 Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos photos & sex…reversals that is! (Part 4) -

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I topped them once so far and I’ll be taking some cuts to pass out to my friends. Im already getting asked what we’re growing this year. Overgrow…. you know the thing🌎

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damn it lol I forgot I’m outta likes! lol It goes away soon after I use it, so reckon I need to hit the Emoji ‘like-bank’
:heart: :heart: :heart:


Morning OG. Just kidding, morning someplace. Checking in with the semi-nocturnal OG crew. If it was just me, I don’t mind being awake whenever. Drives the missus nuts when she hears me clinking around at 2am.


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Rise and shine, put your Monday hat on.:peace_symbol:


Mine has a fancy watch that tracks her sleep and you can see where I’ve disturbed her.

We judge the graph against my patterns that night and they line up. It’s kinda funny.

Oh and good morning and everything.


Mornin’ @JohnnyPotseed @crownpoodle @Greenfingers @Foreigner & OG!