Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Yep, that can be a problem, especially if you do longer vegging periods. I tend to let my plants veg at least 3-4 months, to allow them fuller maturity. So them roots can be a PITA then! lol


This reminds me of a time we went into a elderly home to go see my buddies grandma !
Smoked a big blunt before we went in …we conversated with so many genuine folks that day …it was called the high game …
Every person we seen walking about got greeted by two stoners the smiles on their faces said it all …so we went to leave and I went out a door that was marked exit…only in a emergency hah sound the alarms …security guards got a kick out of it…that deff made it a memorable leaving


Oh I can imagine I was battling with a few before I put them in bigger pots a week before I flipped them …then they took off…I need to figure out how to grow them low and slow lol everything I got going is going outside and I’m taking cuts to try and keep mothers…for real this time ha

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Good morning everyone. Welcome to the weekend! Hope everyone has a great day


You can use the same size pots. Just pull em out and cut an inch off all the way around and off the bottom, put a bit of your soil mix in the bottom and put them right back in the same pot. That’s if you’re in your biggest pots and don’t want to go any bigger. Sometimes space restraints can be a pain…

That will also keep em ‘low n slow’ for ya, so dual purpose.


With the gloomy weather today it’s deff a much needed day inside to say the least! Perfect
Dual purpose ?? Like the chicken lmao … Yeah I need like a 15x15 Ft split 7.5x 7.5 with then I’d be happy
One day someday sooner then the next I always say


That’s a great idea. I just used to rip the bottom cluster of roots off. That sounds like it would work for a longer period of time though
Speaking of manure…… how long does horse manure need to age?


The plants will show ya the love for it, cuz.They may go into a short & small bit of shock, but recover nicely and don’t have the problems that root-bound plants have.

Plus, the pruning helps to keep them from going through the ceiling! lol


No idea there cuz, I don’t use it, never have.


One of these knowledgeable people will know.
I just learned that some dairy farms use copper sulfate as a hoof treatment for the cows. So if you are getting cow manure ask if they use it!


:rofl: :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:
No such animal cuz! When you go to a bigger size, in almost no time at all, you’ll be saying…‘Damn it, I need more space’!
:scream: :grinning: :heart:

In some of my pics you can see what we did to ease that problem. lol When ya can’t spread out, you just gotta go up! we put shelves all the way around the walls in the vegging room at 4’ in an 8’ ceiling. so doubled space that way, held another 150 plants!


I think @MoBilly would know !
I’m running 2 year old combo of horse chicken rabbit duck goat and composted hay to rotatil into the garden lol


Have a good day fellas I gotta go get some stuff done around here


lol If ya feeling really industrious cuz, when ya finish there, head over here and there’s plenty to do!! lol


@Rabeats2093 lol i am for sure


No, this Kryptonite was made right here on OG, by myself and Rocket. It’s D’s NL2 x AKBB’s 89NL.


Morning everybody :peace_symbol::v:


The things we realize are so important when we can’t do them are strange @MoBilly. Lots of messed up “normal” stuff we can’t do WHY again? Beyond common sense I mean.


Finish I ain’t never heard of such a word lmao

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lol I was speaking on YOUR work, not the boss…um, i mean the wife… the never-ending ‘honey-do’ list is self perpetuating!