Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Good morning Johnny, good morning @buck90 , @CanuckistanPete. Good morning OG’s, have a nice day.:peace_symbol:


Morning everyone out there in OG land


Blood meal in a pie tin with some gravel to weight it down helps to deture critters from digging up those fish bits.
I’ve been using fish heads and guts for decades, the results are nothing short of amazing!
The microbes really seem to go bonkers for fatty fish like trout and salmon. I consider myself fortunate to live in Milwaukee, 3 miles from Lake Michigan. Me and a few work buddies go trolling quite often. Anything that doesnt get buried in the soil, gets pureed and fermented to make hydroslate or emulsion. Stinks like hell but so worth it!!!


download (3)


Morning everyone.
Good thing about Tuesday?
It ain’t Monday any more.
Have a good one buds!


Good morning and best wishes! Hope all is green and reachin’.
:eye: c :seedling:


I did this outdoor many years ago, it was total guerilla growing and tried my best to keep critters out. Nope I think every raccoon, possum and skunk for miles dug up those plants to get that fish. Total devastation!


I did this too. With a small vegetable garden.
Know how much veggies I got out of that garden?
ZILCH! That’s how much. I quit putting fish guts in the hole after that.

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Another time I put a patch out with the intent of making seed. They did fine all season until I went out one day to find the plants scattered and torn up with none of the plant matter missing but every plant was stripped for the seed. Looked around and found squirrel prints everywhere. Never heard of anyone ever having that happen. That was the last time I tried making seed outdoors.


Hey bruh. Howz that “side project” working out?

Same here. I have tried fish fertilizer and blood meal, they dig em up every time.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 08-24-50 Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos photos & sex…reversals that is! (Part 4) -
@BigMike55 @Oldjoints @Greenfingers here’s some from the Emoji like bank lol :heart: :heart: :heart:
Like I said earlier tho, ya gotta protect the plants from critters. Of course they’re gonna go after the free meal! lol Indians always planted 3 times what they wanted to harvest, one for the creator, one for the animals, and one for themselves. Not a perfect system, especially today. lol But protecting can be rough to do. Indoors is where I use emulsified fish. lol I have done it outdoors and that’s a PITA!

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One for the rippers one for the cops one for the bugs and one for me. Not so spiritual but similar.

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I don’t like your guys odds…… Osmocote it is!


We had chicken wire buried a foot deep around the outdoor patch you helped dismantle last year cuz, remember? then the 6’ hog wire, but they still got in. Oh, also those solar-powered sound emitters lol
The ‘old ways’ worked, imperfect, but worked. The newer technology eliminates a lot of that need for ‘protection’.

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I noticed that if you dig the holes and leave them for a week and don’t fill them the critters eat all the night crawlers out of those holes.I wonder sometimes if they are going for the worms and hit the fertilizer as a bonus.The possums and raccoons picked the holes clean and didn’t disturb my pile this time

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Well, with all the great prep work you’re putting into this outdoor grow cuz… I’m hoping you have such a grand harvest you’ll have Ganja stocked up for a good while!!


I have done the same and yes it helps. I still to this day leave my holes open awhile to let critters dig for worms and grubs before putting plants in.


Good morning everyone.

Fascinating conversation… I also stay away from stinky inputs because of the critters.

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Outta like cuz, lol good morning to ya! :heart: :heart: