Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Dam ganga growing squirrels stocking up on next years crop .

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Dang bro! Why haven’t you posted this before! My next grow is in for a surprise!!! Hanging out with you guys is always adding to my bag of tricks!
I’ll post pics on this thread when I put this new technique to work.
Now where did I put those laxatives???
Here’s a thought. How about I eat a handful of seeds, then a handful of laxatives… Dig a trench and start running, literally and figuratively.


:joy: that definitely provides an image


I am an artist @Emeraldgreen , and words are my medium.


For some reason I see a video camera your brother’s moonshine :joy:

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No way. Grandpa taught me to keep my rows straight. :laughing:


:rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: :scream: :wink: :+1:
That just might do the job!!


…six months later:
"We have officially rediscovered RKS!"


I just want to be able to grow as good as you guys do I really push myself to get those huge beautiful monsters You grow.With the White Russian in that Cross Twords the top it gets me a bit sentimental thinking about it.I grew out Serious Seeds White Russian back in 2002 to 2003 when I was 20 and that was one of the first plants I got to grow right Was the strongest High I can to this day still imagine gave me complete white outs and it was some of my most fun times I had running Wild in my younger days in those spooky back field’s when it was a Felony getting caught around A plant yet alone now it’s legal I see Facets of some of the Russian in The Frankie’s. I’ve looked high and low for the White Russian of old but no one has it any more.These are a piece of that and I’ll take what I can and been greatful These will be so much more than just the Russian I know it.I have the tools and im learning more everyday From all of you and everyone Elise and I’ve been putting it together over the years and forming my own style of organic growing since I’ve been on here my Style is an amalgamation of everyone on here good and bad .If all goes well this will replace an old cut I’ve been smoking every day for 3 years now.Needed an everyday does the same thing and never bails out Smoke I think I might have found it.Old Betsy is getting old going to pass that torch to someone when the times right


Bad news today OG’s, my nephew called me at work today saying he couldn’t get a hold of his dad (my brother) He went over and checked on him and found him passed away. He just turned 65 this year. He was my only brother left in my family. I’ll miss him. He was a grower too.


I’m so sorry brother! Sending prayers, good vibes…
:frowning: :v:


So sad @Greenfingers My prayers are with you. I just turned 65 recently. Much too young.


Sorry to hear that cuz Deepest condolences and best wishes to you and the family!


Condolences @Greenfingers you and your family are in our thoughts. Sorry to hear this


Condolences Bro @Greenfingers I’m sorry


Sorry to hear @Greenfingers…it’s a drag when you don’t get to say goodbye, but it’s better than someone slowly dying in agony.


Should I feel bad for grabbing his stash out of the freezer? I don’t, I actually smoked one out of his stash in honor of him. He was a good guy, we started growing inside together.


No sense in it going to waste…I’m sure he’d like that.


Feel no guilt it was from a good place


sorry for your loss @Greenfingers – next dab is in honor of your growmie :pray:

Wishing good vibes to everyone else too- almost to humpday.

I always try to do something special on Tuesday (you can pick what that means) my philosophy is:

Monday you can talk about the weekend, tuesday there is nothing, Wed is humpday, Thurs is almost Friday, and then everyone loves Friday.

Find something special that boosts your morale for the week (dress nice, extra hard wake and bake, fav food that day, etc.) and do it Tuesday, helps me!