Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Mornin OG! :peace_symbol::v:

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It’s update time folks! lol I can’t believe I haven’t posted any pics in almost 3 weeks, lol
Up first is a couple pics of the budroom. Gotta Frosted Cobra male, fixing to spew dust all over the place in there! In the middle of a group of 5 others 2 Frankie, 2 ISS, 1 FC.

Then the new additions, 3PBB & 2 Monkey Business. The male FC will be pulled before they’re ever ready to pollinate.

Into the veg room, in the center of floor (front left)Skywalker, middle is MB with PBB beside it on right.

Monkey business and PBB in the middle, with 2 TriForce in the back.
8 TriForce on the shelf

ISS clones

Frosted Cobra clone

2 TriForce that got too big for the shelf

floor group shot from the back side. Bit of yellowing on a couple leaves but hey, lol everything is looking fairly sweet, IMO.

@HolyAngel Here’s the TriForce pics I said I’d get for ya cuz. The 2 on the far right in floor pic are TriForce, the rest are still on the shelf in pics above.

I see that I neglected to grab a pic of the newest additions!
I have 8 Frosted Cobra x Frankenstein seedlings coming along, just put into their ‘forever homes’ of 12" pots. These will be what I use crossing the TriForce with to make the newest cross I’ll be calling 'MIC DROP’


Nice! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I would think about topping them soon to really be able to see the TK leaners from the Kryptonite’s. You want a TK leaner more than Kryptonite. That being said,

These two in the middle might be it.

And maybe this one. The other one at the bottom there looks to have too many leaf blades and maybe not the right branching style :thinking: but it’s hard to tell.

Look for the woody type stem rubs, more woody and less sour/acrid, the better. Also 7 or less leaf blades. Preferably no more than 5 leaf blades. And finally, a wavy branching style. It goes out and then comes back in a bit, its not a straight line per-se.

Anything with sharply acrid/sour smelling stem rub or 9+ leaf blades is Kryptonite leaning.


lol Ahead of ya cuz I topped em after taking the pics
As to any smell, I can’t smell worth a damn anymore, since that Covid got me. The wife says ‘they all smell like Ganja’ so… lol


Awesome! Right on track then :sunglasses:

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Awesome update bro. Everything is looking sweeeeeet!

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Man! Everything is looking much better since I was there last. Actually the difference is incredible. Nice work brother! And Rose.


Happy Birthday Joey

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So it’s like super man stay away from the kryptonite?

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In the cross of Triangle Kush x (NL2/89NL) which makes TriForce, the Triangle Kush leaning side is what I’m hunting for. That one (or 2-3,whatever, lol) is my goal to mate with the Frosted Cobra and Frankenstein I have just up-potted into the 12" pots. This will be a 3-way cross I’m naming ‘MIC DROP’
Frosted Cobra


Happy birthday @Joey420, nice polypoid bud ya got there!
Good morning and good night everyone. :yum:


Morning everyone have a great day


Good morning everyone!

Happy belated b’ day @Joey420

Man @HolyAngel your description on what to look for made me realize just how much I don’t pay attention to my plants. I need to do better.


Good Motning OG!


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.:peace_symbol:


Good morning @olschool, @buck90, @JohnnyPotseed, and @Greenfingers.
I’m alive! Lol
Have a great day y’all. :slightly_smiling_face:


Morning everyone.


Not much. Muddling through with a gut full of acid lately. How’s the Okie side of life?

Morning OG!


Good morning everyone. Hi ya JP.
I’m having a terrible, no good, rotten kind of day. I am certain yours must be better…


Sorry to hear that cuz, but on the brighter side, if it’s that bad… it can only get better