Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Paralyzed monster day 43.


She’s looking seriously nice!


Can’t wait to smoke her it’s been a long time getting to the finish line.
Remember the first go at it i got a male and missed that round of flower. Fast forward 2 months and new female.


I hate to hear that cuz. It means (to me) you’re only getting to have half the fun! I love ALL Ganja, Sativa, Indica, and the hybrids/crosses.


Post removed, sorry folks TMI! lol


Afternoon y’all
6.5 hours into a 12 hour fire watch and the only fire I have seen was the fire I put on the end of the spliff I just finished :fire:
Sucks for a holiday weekend but the rotation don’t come around often.


But your still passing out fire seeds and smoking killer weed.


And will continue to do that until I can’t!
Looks like that will be my only income to help pay the bills, too. Since Social Security checks seem to be going away!


I wonder where @Abbbian has been ? :thinking:
Haven’t seen that fellow around for awhile.


It’s awesome smoke too.:green_heart:


I’ve been working on the tractor all day. Did I miss something in the news?


Have you been following the ‘debt ceiling’ dealing in the news? Damn ALL politicians!
I know, I’m going against my own rule of anything goes here, except politics & religion’ But this is more of a broad condemnation, not specific.
All our lives, we pay our SS ‘tax’ every paycheck we get. It’s the biggest ‘piggy bank’ in the US governments reach, and boy have they hit it hard over the years. Now they’re not going to give us OUR OWN MONEY! No matter the amount, big or small.
It’s going to be delayed at best, and cut at worst. But either way it goes, the companies sending bills on the first of the month, ain’t wanting to hear any excuses!
In addition to food stamps, and medicare/medicaid cuts & changes.


Ahh. I thought, maybe, they had released their final decision. Right now it’s all still a lot of “sources” saying this and that. The thing is, they don’t have to miss or reduce any Social Security or Veterans payments. They have tons of other less important things that they can hold off on paying so they can pay out to what’s most important. So for a few months the folks that are getting $842,882 (I hope that is an exaggeration lol) to research whether earthworms feel pain (PETA) won’t get their bankroll.

They did this kind of stuff back in the 70’s and 80’s so I am sure it still goes on.
Point is if they do mess with SS then it’s not because they have to. There’s a lot of nonsense that can go unfunded. They’ll be showing their colors if they do screw with SS and Veterans benefits.


The pay for military personnel is also on the block/hold until things are gotten straight. They say a ‘tentative’ deal has been reached, but it still has to go through both houses for approval. F’idiots on both sides are against it, any way it goes. They’d rather see the USA go bankrupt than come to a deal.

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It is a total CF to be sure.
I’ll leave it at that and respect the boundaries of the thread bro.


Yeah, lol on to other things! Like, how’s the garden growing?


OK. Here’s something. You know I found three different anomalies on those LPC crosses? I put two plants (one BB cross and one ? cross) in the same SIP bucket. The ? cross is normal looking but the BB cross has three branches at every node spacing instead of two.
I seem to have ended up with some freaky Chernobyl seeds somehow.


lol sounds like it brother! Wonder if ya trip when you smoke it? lol

Don’t forget to let us know if you glow afterwards!


I’ll post some pics later of that plant. I’m wiped out right now. It looks like we’re going to have to replace the hydraulic pump. That dang tractor hasn’t reached 600 hrs and it’s already giving us headaches. My 50 year old Long is more dependable that that Mahindra.


We had an old Farmall M, by International Harvester. That thing ran forever.

lol I say ‘we’ but it was Grampa’s, on the family farm