Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Dang man! That sucks bigly.
Just be careful when you are smoking. Don’t put too much suction there. You don’t want a “dry socket”. Just be careful. You’ll be OK.


@Slick1 Or run somewhere (if possible!) and get some clove oil, two drops on top of tooth, let it be there for as long as you can before you need to swallow!!
Morning!!! :v: :hugs:


I think dry socket is only when the tooth is pulled isn’t it? I hope so! My dad is a tough SOB and I’ve seen him shrug off things that would send others to the hospital at least. He had dry socket once and said it was so bad he’d be speeding to the dentist’s office with tears streaming down his face and when he walked in they’d drop everything to address it.

I’ll still be eating my weedies today though :sunglasses:


No pain thankfully but I appreciate it. I’ve actually had better success with warm salt water with finely sliced garlic in it in the past. Make a cup and soak a cotton ball in it. When you put the cotton ball in it’s almost instant relief.

Tastes like shit but when you’re in that much pain you won’t care!


Not today. Cream of Wheat with a BIG dollop of cannabutter this morning. Someone turned up the pain dialed while I attempted to sleep.

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The garlic is a good trick. I heat garlic cloves in olive oil. Soak a cotton ball and stuff it in your ear for earaches.
Another of my daughters hippie meds that works.

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Never had a root canal, or a dry-socket. But have had an abscess, and they’re no fun! Especially on a Sunday, when you can’t find a dentist anywhere!


Last one I had to have pulled, there was a tiny hole thru my sinus cavity for a few weeks. It whistled. Annoying as hell.

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Good morning JP. Good morning everyone
:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: I didn’t make it half way through the good morning here​:flushed:


An abscessed tooth is how I learned about the warm salt water and garlic trick. I would have rather broken a bone that night.

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An abscessed tooth will drive you out of your fuckin mind with the pain. Don’t ask me how I know.


I remember the day, because I called all over town trying to find ANY dentist open. It wasn’t a ‘small town’ either lol It was Baltimore, MD… I was in town doing some remodel work on the Holiday International, down the road from Bethesda Medical Center… i was Interior trim sub-contractor. Left there, with my entire crew lol came back a few days later, AFTER I had taken care of that! The general contractor had to let me do this, lol mainly because no one could do crown molding like me!

eedit. Or at least he couldn’t findanother contractor at that time, that could do crown molding as well as me! whew!


OK, I’ve been reading all the horror stories and decided to tell you knuts my own.
Let me tell you how I learned to NOT freeze your Snickers candy bar.
It happened when I decided to bite into it with my jaw teeth and my molar split in half and had Snickers bar shoved all the way to the roots.
That’s mine.


I’ve had one root canal…and I fell asleep in the dentist chair.

I’d worked out of town for 2 weeks and developed a tooth ache. I went to a dentist in Edmonton after I’d barely slept for days who told me he couldn’t do anything because he was booked solid but could give me antibiotics that would get rid of the abscess. I booked an appt. with my dentist for the day after I got home. When I went I clearly hadn’t caught up on my sleep yet, and woke up in the chair with the dentist and assistant staring at me.

“Nobody falls asleep during a root canal” he says. Lol.


Here’s a little gift for my friends Johnny and Rose.

Thank you.


LOL, that sucks man. My worst was a tooth that went abscess on me. Was in Kamloops BC hanging in a house with some dealers I knew. Guy comes to the door looking for weed and one of the idiots decides to sell him some even though he had never seen the guy before. We all hid our shit away knowing this was a bad idea. I stashed my weed and went to the couch to sit. When the door got knocked on again I realized I still had 5 double barrel purple mikes in my pocket so I grabbed them and when the cops broke in the door down the hatch they went. I stood up and a cop tackled me to the ground, I was the only one, lol. They dragged us all in and by the time they brought me into the interrogation room I was tripping balls. I guess I made a smart ass comment and laughed at the cop who proceeded to flip the large interview table right into my face. Bused out half a molar and knocked by chair over. As I laid there on the ground laughing my ass off at him with blood pouring out of my mouth another cop came running in. He grabbed the first cop and they went outside. A couple minutes later the came in, scooped me up and tossed me out the door. Being homeless at the time I didn’t have many options dentist wise so I went back to the dealers hours. By the next day my jaw was swolen up and I was in a ridiculous amount of pain. Head hurt so bad I basically sat there in the dark for 3 days. Now it went away on it’s own and on I went. After my homeless stint and me getting my shit together I had a ton of work done on my teeth including a bridge and a number of root canals, they aren’t so bad really.


Oh yeah, I just came to say I got some Fem Frankie beans from you @JohnnyPotseed , thanks so much my friend. Ignore the rambling above, once I started the story I had to finish, lol.


lol You’re always welcome here cuz! So ‘rant on’! Glad you got the beans, Grow On!


I’m not sure I should "like’ that story Doug, but it is a good story. I guess I just can’t “like” what happened to ya!


LOL, I get that. I have a few stories from when I was a homeless kid. I guess I had been living on the street about a year or so when that happened so I was 16 at the time. Meh, all memories can’t be good, lol. Was still better then the couple of times I got to ride on the Cherry Beach express. At least I was as high as a kite at the time, lol.