Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Morning OG. If I still worked, I’d need to have the hernia looked at. I don’t work anymore, so fuck it. Also on my heating pad for an old ruptured disk. My arthritis in top of that has just been downright nasty.
Someone mentioned we’re codgers. Anyone else get bad muscle cramps? Standing on one leg at 2am is confusing my cats.


good morning everyone have a great day


Good morning all of you!
I’m getting ready to head out for another procedure on my knee. It’s so much fun. Would anyone like to join me? They take six probes and stick your knee deeply between the bones and behind the cap. And then the fun starts. They heat those probes up and cauterize those nerves they are up against. It’s an experience I tell ya.
So, who’s up to joining me? There’s room on the table for two!
Have a nice day my friends.



In all seriousness all the best with that today bud!

Morning all, I hope all y’all knees are not Mobilly’s!


Morning JP!
Morning @Pigeonman, @MoBilly, @olschool, @crownpoodle, @CanuckistanPete and @Greenfingers and all other OGers!!
Great Thursday to all!!
:leaves: :seedling: :palm_tree:


Good Morning OG!


Worst pain I’ve ever had was an abscessed tooth. I had one in my early twenties where the infection got to my sinuses. Neon green snot that smelled like a sewer and running mini fevers on and off all day. Absolutely miserable. There is no pain like dental pain.

Definitely first I’m ever hearing of it! I was tired but in no danger of nodding off :laughing:

Gas was not an option unfortunately.

I have a “patellar tracking disorder” in my left knee which is medical talk for my kneecap disregarding the groove it’s supposed to stay in at times. I’ve had all kinds of injections in it over the years and usually make people squirm telling them about it. You just officially made ME squirm so you win :laughing: Although I do have a somewhat humorous/scary (humorous in hindsight only) story if you want to hear it. Good luck with the procedure though and hopefully something that serious will result in serious relief too.

Morning OG! Ended up feeling the last few minutes of the root scraping yesterday which was cool. I’m guessing not full bore for me to have been able to sit still through it but enough to leave an impression. Anyway I got a gutted tooth with a temporary filling that I’m praying stays in tact for two weeks and I’m taking it easy today with some movies/video games.


Morning everyone!

@crownpoodle - yeah cramps suck. I get them charliehorse feeling one in the middle of the night quit frequently. End up jumping out of bed in pain and pacing around the house like a mad man to walk it of. Sometimes it takes me twenty minutes or more. :neutral_face:

@MoBilly - I’ve have server scopes on my knee’s. Never that one. That sounds horrible! I’m actually sitting in the waiting room at orthopedics as we speak. I wish they could get this back stuff figured out. It’s really got me down. :confused:


@blowdout2269 You have to get “Theraworkx” for the charlie horses/cramps. Get it in Pharmacy departments. Get the lotion. I dont often endorse a product but this stuff really works. You can thank me later.


I have a good CBD rub that works well for my knee pain. And it seems to prevent the cramping if I use it on those areas as well. But the problem with these products is…you have to actually remember to apply them! Lol

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I have a blown disc which gives me grief.
Twice now, my girl and I were waking up with leg cramps for a while before we realized that our bed was causing it. The first time, I had a 10 year old bed and they just don’t last forever; we thought we had bad backs but then every time we went traveling we noticed that we slept perfectly (without cramps) in our hotels :thinking:. I ditched that old bed and bought a new one and slept perfectly, cramp-free, for around 9 years before it happened again. I changed the bed again at that time and have been sleeping pain free since then. I had a buddy who was waking every night similarly, told him about my experience and he bought a new bed and now sleeps pain free too. Sorry to go off on a tangent, I hope I am not hijacking this thread, but I hate pain and hope my experience and suggestion can help others alleviate theirs. Beds come with a period where you can return them… some of them can be trialed for up to a year… one can have a new bed delivered and test it out and if it doesn’t help, just return it and pay nothing. If it does help… It is glorious to sleep pain free. :v:


Dang. I must be getting old or something. I forgot to come in and say YO!
Good morning everyone.


Incredible weather. Two days ago I was walking around outside, short sleeve shirt, no jacket. Last night we got a nice blanket of snow. Supposed to get to 55° today. Weird.
I blame the Brazilians. No particular reason. They just never get blamed for anything.


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone
@MoBilly hoping for an uneventful procedure


Thanks @Emeraldgreen and everyone else.
I’m out of the hospital. They threw a twist at me. This time they only used a numbing shots instead of the burn. That comes in a couple of weeks. The shots are not too painful though so I’m good to go for now.


Glad to hear it cuz!


Great to hear @MoBilly


Well…these bed won’t fix my pain, but a new one is due. Good call.

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Yeah, that is kinda my current issue. Herniated disk as well as uh, framinol stenosis…? Idk. Big words.
As far as the bed goes. I can make my bed to be as firm or as soft as I want. I’ve got a Sleep Number. It’s the second one we’ve owned. There are GD expensive. But hey, you can’t put a price on good sleep! :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh man, that adjustable mattress sounds awesome! I would like to try one of those… I prefer a firmer bed than my girl does and adjustable firmness would solve that dilemma :sweat_smile: Plus, I think those might last longer than a spring-, or foam-, based mattress? …It would seem that – at least-- they wouldn’t get all bent out of shape and make for a less comfortable experience over time like foam or springs do :call_me_hand: