Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Glad to hear, Mo. I hope the shots help.

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I got one of those “bed in a box” mattress about two years ago. Wife likes it. I don’t. Too flat and I like to sink into a mattress a little.


We have a pillowtop, and if I ever get enough money together lol It’ll be replaced with one of them sleepnumber jobs.

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Holy hell, that hurt! I have never had a painful MRI in my life. But I am beat up! They put my heels about a foot apart and then pigeon-toed me inward about six inches from my toes touching, and then tied them together! Then sent me all the way in the tube feet first. This rolls the front of the hips outward and arches your lower spine. So much for the nice power nap I planned on getting in that machine. I was gritting me teeth the whole time! :persevere:

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Damn cuz, that hurt me just thinking about it! WTF? smh, sometimes docs just puzzle me as to why they need to do stuff like that! They already know you’re there for problems, and they go and put your body into unnatural positions and say ‘hold that pose’… I swear some of em are sadists, sometimes!

They obviously knew you couldn’t, or wouldn’t be able to ‘hold it’ because they tied you in it!


Yeah, they’re trying to get an image down in my pelvis and hip. Now they the think I might have a labrum tear as well. I shoulda dosed myself better before I went. I had no clue.


Good Evening everyone,

first of all @MoBilly glad everything went ok!

Well not trying to top anyone tonight but pretty sure I got / gonna get the 19. Wife is congested really bad, no smell, no taste. Tested positive.

Me, headache and starting to get chills. It has to be pretty bad for me to lay out of work so will make that call about the time I say good morning in here. Can work by myself so won’t pass it around I just can’t let my employer be aware :smiling_imp:
Hell we had face scanners for the longest time checking us on the way in.

Pretty sure I had it once way at the beginning but never lost smell or taste.

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Damn cuz! hate to hear stuff like that, bad shit! Be safe & careful, and try to take care of the wife and yourself!


Did you go with the same brand the second mattress? What worked for you?


Glad you’re alright. I’ve got a bad case of trypanophobia. I really don’t care for needles. :tired_face:


Yes both times I had the ‘Kung Flu’ it knocked out my sense of smell and taste 100%. Never knew how much I relied on those senses lol


You still haven’t got The Vid? Lol. Not laughing at you.
Get ahead of it now buddy! Start dosing zinc, maybe even take a Z pack. NSAIDS or acetaminophen will help some of the other stuff. Get lotsa fluids in you! And if ur into therapeutics or have a compromised immune system, go that route also.
We had it back in January of 20. It sucked. Our whole family’s symptoms were all over the board.
I had asthma as a child. It felt like someone was standing on my chest. My o2 levels were hanging below 90%. The twelve stairs into the basement grow would absolutley kick my ass. And I was hanging out in the bathroom a lot, if u know what I mean. My wife on the other hand had mostly headaches, aswell as severe body aches, and feverish constantly. We were basically hit hard for a week. The two year old on the other hand, had a couple of mild fevers and was cranky. But totally back ballz to the wall in two days! Pretty sure we’ve had it at least once more since.
Take care of yourself friend.


That might be a clincher, Laura likes to sink in to a comfy mattress while I like sleeping on a mattress that feels more like the floor :joy: Being the gentleman I am, I of course err on the side of comfy for her preference :raised_hands:


:scream: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1: now… just between us, you can actually go ahead and admit, that you’re just like the rest of us ‘gentlemen’ lol … scared shitless of the wife! Happy wife, happy life!! right?


Hey! Thanks for asking. I changed them up and went with newer tech… The first set was the Serta brand and had springs. I think it lasted 3-4 years longer than the next mattress though, we switched to memory foam and absolutely loved it. When it went out, I just replaced it a couple years back with another memory foam mattress from the same company, during one of their 50% off sales (Nest bedding). Springs are much lighter than foam and after the last switch I decided that we will move back to springs next time I buy a new set, just for the weight factor.


I am a fool who never got married because I was a crazy guy who was against having a Gub’mint approved certificate of ownership, but we have been together 25 years and I… :thinking: I have learned to respect her authorityle :sweat_smile: …erm… wishes
But, yeah…:scream:
Shitless :rofl::crazy_face::+1:


I can respect your attitude cuz. Being together that long, you may as well be married! lol Everything’s the same as lol


I was like that once as well. My wife and I have been together for 23 years. Hehe, though we’ve only been married for four!
It was just a matter of time before she clubbed me and I came to while signing papers at the courthouse. Lol. :crazy_face:


Ok y’all, it been real. As always!
Gonna go do bedtime stories with the boy. Then hobble my ass down the stairs and tend to the ladies. Got some cool experimental crosses growing atm. I’ll share later. :wink:
This might be good night to most of ya.
See ya on the flip side!


My turn lol Goodnight OG!

Good Morning OG!