Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Figured I’d share the latest on the recreational vote here in Oklahoma,
as of just a minute ago

yeah it aint lookin to good unless…you dont want recreational dispensaries


The ‘pros’ outweigh the ‘cons’ on almost any level someone looks at it. However, this IS Oklahoma we’re talking about lol Not too long ago, OK handed out serious time for simple possession charges. I don’t look for the state to change into a ‘blue state’ overnight, lol
But, it’ll come, sooner or later! Of that I’d make money wager lol


Looks like alot of haters in your neck of the woods Johnny. :grimacing:

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Hell cuz, lol what else is new? OK is about as hard on Ganja as any state. It only passed for medical here because it was a state question, not a state govt vote. If enough of the people say ‘yes’, then they have to make it legal.


The people in charge around here love raking in the money here.
I live in a farm area/hick little town, most people that live here were against a new dispensary opening here as we already have many of them a 20 minute drive away. Even with most against it, they still gave them the okay to go ahead with building it.
A few months ago there was talk about taking away the licenses for people to grow there own because they would make alot more money at the dispensaries. It is all a cash grab here in my opinion.


Everywhere you go cuz, it’s always about the Benjamin’s, don’t ya know? lol Legalization will drive prices down.Most folks don’t think the poor regular joes are the ones responsible for all the Ganja, I know. lol


As of 1 minute ago, the vote stands at


now the wife gets to say ‘I told ya so’ after she hears me say ‘you were right dear’… lol


Well that sucks my friend. Dam people keeping a plant from folks. How Draconian. On the bright side 3 kinds of pollen are now heading your way. Blue Kush, Sour Bubble and PPP. Now I had the joy of naming Frankenbubble. Got any plans for Blue Kush? Frankenkush perhaps or Blue Frankenstein, lol.


Sounds like a winner cuz! lol As it is said, so let it be… BLUE FRANKENSTEIN, coming soon to a forum near you! lol
But lol I like ‘FrankenKush’ also


It’s a tough one brother, I like them both too, lol.

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Actually I have 4-5 strains going atm, I plan on hitting all of em with various pollens I have
Fem Frankie
fem ISS
Blue Sunshine
and now from you the new 3
Blue Kush
Sour Bubble
So hitting the Frankenstein, ISS, Buddha’s Cane, Peanut Butter Breath, and Frosted Cobra with different pollens is going to give up some interesting :fire: crosses!

Oh yeah, we just dropped a few of the Thug Pug’s ‘Monkey Business’ S1 Fem. So add those to the list to be pollinated too, lol!

Outta all of those, I got to say, the Frosted Cobra has me the most interested lol
Monkey Business at 30%THC ain’t shabby either. All of em are high THC though. lol


Yeah, that’s a baked beans strain. Dam thing looked like it was caught in a snow storm. I have some seeds sitting in my stash just waiting for their turn :slight_smile:


Yeah lol I been eyeing these beans for a year now in my seed vault, lol Had to break down and set em free. Well, some of em anyhow! lol I’m hoping for at least 1 boy out of the 4 we dropped.


lol that pic of FC in the curing jar set everybody’s ears perked and eyes popped!
I want it to run for hash, then turn that into rosin. I’m in a search for high THC trichs loaded, to run through the heat press


The Blue Kush frost up pretty good as well and yeah, that’s the pic that got me, lol.


Oh hell yeah cuz! lol Now I’m even more pumped at getting the magic dust from ya! Not that the PPP & Sour Bubble are ‘nothing much’ lol They both are good as hell themselves! lol


We just want a few more strains with high-ish amounts of trichs & THC. This Emphysema has me looking to ‘hit less, but enjoy it more’ ya know? lol


I do cuz, I really do. Folks just loved the PPP, nobody that has grown it has been unhappy. I also love the Sour Bubble personally. Just some nice smoke IMO. The Blue Kush is too seeded to smoke but it’s heading for the hash bin to be washed so I can keep some of that frost :slight_smile:


It’s funny too. I am going to be drowning in Blue Kush seeds. I had 8 plants about the same size. Have only shucked 1 so far and got 2860 seeds. Going to be a crazy amount of these things, lol.