Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

I know the PPP and SB are good lol Also, I know you and you’re not gonna grow BS! SO, when you showed me the pic of BK, you just reinforced my already biased opinion of ya, lol! You, my friend, ROCK!
Also, as always and only proper, you’ll receive some beans that result from crossing anything with the pollen you provide. This, in addition to the ‘naming rights’ lol


LOL, that’s really cool my friend and thank you for the kind words. Next up, the dredged Blue Moon Rocks. 3 packs of seeds gave me one plant. Dam strain has been kicking my ass but I kept that one plant and it’s a giant male. Keeping him in veg and dropped 11 more BMR F1’s that I managed to scrounge up. 5 from one guy and 6 from another. The 5 sprung to life and gave me nice tap roots in a day so they are in coco. The other 6 are moving slower but still cracking and showing life. Blue Moon Rocks seeds and pollen are a comin.


I just recently dropped a few Strawberry x Alien Moonrocks. They’re Autos and will be harvested in a couple more weeks.
But blueMoonrocks sounds like a winner!

I’m assuming that’s Moon Rock x Blue Kush?


It really does. I grew Blue Kush because it’s Blue Moon Rocks X Sour Bubble. This is after I went through 3 packs of very hard to find seeds to get 1 plant. That plant took weeks of nursing when it was a baby too. Was really not happy but it got over it and is good now. I could not let it go after so much disappointment. This run is getting done. Blue Moon Rocks is BOG Bubble X Blue Moon.


Ok thnx cuz, good to know. I should know better than to ‘assume’ lol
There is apparently, a strain called Moon Rock, not to be confused with MoonRocks, by Kurupt.


They also have a smoke they call Moon Rocks. It’s interesting.

How are they made?

Moon rocks are made by taking a nugget of marijuana and dipping it in or spraying it with concentrate, or hash oil.

They’re usually made with Girl Scout Cookies (the weed strain, not Thin Mints) flower and concentrate, but can be made with any strain.

The coated nugget is then rolled in kief. Kief, also called pollen or dry sift, is the sticky crystals that cover the cannabis flower.


Remember being young and just rolling a joint, lol.


That’s the MoonRocks invented by the rapper Kurupt, and a buddy of his Dr. something or other, I was talking about


I have smoked Moon Rocks, it’s a heavy hitter for sure. My lungs are not as brave as they once were though, lol.


We’ve made our own MoonRocks here, a couple years ago. Not bad at all. But rosin is even stronger/better. Again, it boils down to my need for hitting less, and getting more from it lol
The rosin I make is above 90%


I totally get it. It’s why I have my own rosin press and make my own vape cartridges. Find the right mix and it’s a light, smooth kick to the head. More importantly, to the sore spots.


Sounds like you’ve taken it to the next level. I still just make the rosin in my press, then put a ball of it on top of some mulched buddage in a bowl, lol
I love to smoke, what can I say? lol I’ll probably have to switch to vaping soon, though.


You do realize, I’ll be coming to you for advice when I finally get around to getting a vap set-up going. lol Now I know that’s how you roll.

Sore spots? Hell cuz, lol That’s everywhere with me, now-a-days lol


I am happy to share all I got with you my brother, that includes my limited knowledge. I am not big on vaping weed, just doesn’t really do it for me. But vaping rosin or other concentrates, it’s just a quick super dose so I am all for it. I am an open book my friend, ask what you will anytime.


If your using vegetable glycerin, or propylene glycol in the vape mixes…
Be careful… thats all I will say.


I’m looking and thinking about this awhile now. I want to use my rosin I make in the heat press. Turn it into a vape-able product, then use vape pen


Great for smoking, or… “vaping” in certain places you want to be discreet. Public places etc.
In the long run, your better off vaping the pure rosin, or just smoking it as normal.
The extra additives aren’t good for you…for my health anyways.
Plus you get a higher hit from not mixing it with shit.
No offence to the vapers.
Just my own opinion.:v: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Pretty much what I want cuz. I don’t care for vaping, tried it, not for me… if I can just turn my own rosin that I make here, into something I can hit in a vape pen, that’s where I’m at.
I was thinking possibly cartridge set-up, but it doesn’t have to be. i haven’t gone far down the rabbit hole yet on research lol


It won’t hit as good as you would like. Just my 2 cents.
Compared to the norm.

And what is this ‘norm’ you compare it to?
Just want to make sure we’re on the same page

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