Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Lol, but we already came up with a name, Rose liked it too. Well it looks like you need more then. I got 40 or 50 packs left, lol. Just letting the BMR dry a couple more days as I am officially done collecting it. Stopped feeding the males 2 days ago. I will send both my friend.


Well that’s even better. I didn’t have any Frankie not pollinated in the budroom, so hit the MB with it. Now I can use it on a Frankie also! Many thnx, brother! I’ll wait on your DM before I put another Frankie into flower, so it should be close to ready for the dust when it gets here. lol


Cool, I would rather see more go to you and get used. Even when I go through all those packs I mentioned I still have 5 large vials in my freezer, lol. Those Blue Kush were givers :wink:


I was off by 3 days but now we all know! I was referring to your :partying_face: birthday :fireworks:
A get together would be awesome! Why can’t we all live closer to each other? :sweat_smile:


:rofl: :crazy_face: :+1: can’t ya just see it now? The whole OG crowd living in one town!? The havoc there’d be at town council meetings!!!
have to cut the cloud of smoke with a knife!


When are we doin this town thing? I’m sure we can come up with enough exhaust fans to make the meetings work!

No country could handle us all in one town! lol


It would be a wonderful site: We would become a sort of new Humboldt county. I will vote that all plants in the parks and along the roadways need to be Cannabis!


Exactly I’m thinking US / Canadian border. We can have our own checkpoint! That’ll be fun!

Point Roberts :joy:

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Well, lol for me to live up on the border… I’d need a nice fireplace/woodstove in every room on my house! lol

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Washington is high on my list of places to move.

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No problem. How ya feel about a sauna as well!
We’ll get Johnny doin a polar bear challenge!

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Like HELL yas will!! Not even with a gun on me!


I second that, I have a very thin layer of “insulation” on my old bones and they don’t like extreme weather conditions :sweat_smile:



lol If only I were ‘DeadPool’ … that IS him, right?


That’s the man. Lol. Gotta be my favorite! You just stick to killing those crosses!

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I honestly think my love of Ganja is what keeps me going! lol I got too many plants/strains/crosses to do and not enough time… so, I’m making the time! Gonna live to 101, lol
This, after the docs gave me that ‘any time now’ talk…a year ago!
I say F’em… what do they know anyways? It’s all guesswork, I ain’t going until the creator see fit to call me in.
And will continue to grow/toke/joke until that time! lol


Don’t set your sights so low. Lol. Keep them coming as long as it suits you. Best and most rewarding therapy I’ve found myself.