Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Woo hoo. Made it to Saturday. Gonna be another hot one. Be careful guys. Good news is tomorrow will only be in the 90’s.
Everyone have a great day.


Raining now, cooling things down some I hope!
Heading back to the barn, lol had to grab another cup of coffee!


Thoughts and prayers man. Glad to hear it went well.

Morning OG.


Thanks @Slick1 . Much appreciated.

And good morning my awesome friends! What a beautiful morning it’s been up this way!
I see @JohnnyPotseed is doing laps to and from the farm n a barn! That’s a great thing right there!!
no reason. I just like banana. :joy:


Morning OG. @MoBilly Willie the Beagle loved bananas like crazy! He could be under the table, seemingly asleep. If I tried to snap one off the bunch he’d be at my feet begging! Same with peeling one. Never known an animal so obsessed with food.
Drippy fog this morning. Hardly see across the street. It’s quiet, 'cept the drips on my shed.


Morning @JohnnyPotseed and it is a grand morning! A grandkid morning at that. All 6 of my grandkids are in town! My older sis, my niece and her kids! As she ages, my sister is morphing into our mom in almost all ways.


Good morning everyone!
@MoBilly I’m happy to hear that your daughter is out of surgery and in recovery. It’s got to be a huge relief for you.
@JohnnyPotseed how are you? I keep getting on here and reading I’m on the way to the farm-inna- barn so I’m assuming well.


Thank you @Emeraldgreen . My Granddaughter said Kristen is doing better this morning. It was a rough night but she’s doing better. That’s good enough. Better every day is what I want to hear.


Just have to remind her and yourself recovering takes time! That wasn’t my favorite thing to hear after my surgery, but unfortunately true.


Unfortunately patience is not her long suit. I have little doubt that she will be working on her laptop from the hospital bed. She’s a graphic artist and works from home a lot. That girl doesn’t have an off button. Just like her mom. lol
My granddaughter will be trying hard to get Kristen to take it slower though.


A childhood friend of mine is like that. He had a stroke in April, so life insisted he slow down and enjoy the stuff he wasn’t!


She’s always been that way. When she was young, getting her to keep up her regular chores was like pulling 20 penny nails with a screwdriver! However, if it was something she was into and wanting done, she’d not slow down until she had what she was after. Like “tunnel vision”, all focus and energy. lol


Drives me crazy watching that! Can’t be bothered to do something they have no interest in, but able to relocate Mt Everest when interested!


Good morning Johnny!
Good morning Circus dwellers!
Good Morning OG!
Yup! I’m on the late morning crew now! I like to try all the shifts!:joy:
Hope everyone has a great weekend! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Yep. If she wanted it to happen, it would. Don’t get me wrong, she did her chores. She just wasn’t happy about mucking stalls… lol
Going without dinner, or a good hickory switch if that didn’t work, did wonders for my motivation to get my work done when I was a kid. It still works. But now it’s called cruelty if you are a parent who is determined to raise their kids to be productive, decent young adults. Sometimes it takes a rod in order to save a child from growing up useless.


Happy to hear she’s doing ok this morning! @MoBilly. Luckily recovery is something most put their mind to work on when you wanna be here! Sounds like your daughter is gonna recover well and fight till she is victorious! Smoke, prayers , love and healing thoughts for her and your family! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::fist:t3:


Thank you @NDNCHILD . I just wish she was here instead of Fla. I can’t do much to help from here.


@MoBilly Glad to hear the surgery went well and she is in recovery.
Hope the recovery is smooth and quick. :green_heart:


Thanks @InTheWoods . Much appreciated.

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Understandable my brother! That’s your baby! :heart: Just remember it may not be as much or in the way you would choose if you could snap your fingers and make things happen but I’m sure there’s much you do that helps her a great deal. Your voice, your love, your support and motivation. You’ve already given her the personal tools she’ll need to conquer this! Be happy, proud and hopefully find comfort for yourself as well knowing you’ve raised a strong daughter! No making light… I do understand your feelings. :heart::heart: Just because your not physically there doesn’t mean your not with her! :fist:t3: Y’all got this Bro!