Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Yep lol i saw my mistake and corrected it just before you corrected me there. thnx for looking out brother!

lol I reckon I oughta compile all my notes into one folder, make it easier to look stuff up!


So just to get it straight I have Bloody monster going on?

You don’t remember what you bought? If you got Lady In Red, that’s the FB x DBHP,

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Got it for a veterans give away it was labeled lady in red in a flip

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Then that is the Frankenstein I hit with King Tut pollen many years ago (12-14) Then @BigMike55 hit one of the clones with DBHP pollen to make the Lady In Red

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I thought it was Frankie x DBHP my mistake

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You guys make so much good stuff it runs together in my head sometimes so much cool stuff

Close cuz. Frankenstein is strong in any cross I’ve made with her. but that is usually due to Frankie being the mother(s) and the father(s) are pollen donors.
The plants grown from seeds made will display the mother as dominant, usually.
With just ‘hints’ of the pollen donor


Makes complete sense then 100% thank you for the clarification back on track now Have a blessed evening


It’s coming down a flat out, toad strangling, gully washer here! Windy as heck too. Bit of hail,but not much.


I could use a good one of those minus the hail. Not real fond of that stuff!

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You got ‘em bent over and tied down? Lol
Damn sorry didn’t think. Not trying to start stuff this late! Maybe they’re all asleep?

Car is under a shed roof, everything else is buttoned up. But that’s because of hail often here. lol
Don’t know any that do like that crap!


Nothing outdoors this year. Everything is in the ‘farm-inna-barn’


Bet way for me these days. The hike is more enjoyable!

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Slap on the backpack and mosey to the other bedroom! Lol


I was always outdoors most days, doing something. lol

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Yup. Still enjoy outdoors. I also enjoy the control and privacy of growing inside though. If I was in a better place I’d populate the wild and still be worried about the chopper!

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Or, ya could just move a bit north, where it’s legal! lol

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I’m gettin there. Another year or 2 and I’ll be bustin a move!

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