Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Yeah man. But I watched you go to sleep and wake up last time! :joy: just playin’! I’m on a weird schedule or rather lack of a schedule. :grin: I’m smoking this bowl then going for another round of plant tending. I need to clean the veg room up a bit.
What you got goin on this evening?

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Oh yeah, that’s right! You crackhead hehe

Same thing. Laying in bed, kinda watching Straight Outta Compton, trying not to drop my phone on my face. Bout tapped out on OG. All caught up! Lol. Gotta be up in six hours.

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:joy: Yeah don’t do that again! I’m about to dip for an hour or so myself. Duty calls. Have a good evening man! I’ll see ya in the morning when I’m closer to calling it. :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

:rofl: It feels that way sometimes! :rofl:

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Night brotha

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Good morning Johnny and company!
Coffee :heavy_check_mark:
Doobie :heavy_check_mark:
Now I can’t find my flashlight :joy: don’t use one on the walk but always like to have one handy. Off we go anyway, have a great day folks!


Good morning! @buck90 have a nice walk this morning bud! :blush:
Good morning Johnny!
Good morning Circus dwellers and OG!
Hope y’all enjoy the half way point!


Good morning Johnny, good morning @buck90 @NDNCHILD, have a happy hump dayyy.:peace_symbol:


Good Morning OG!


Good morning all in The 3 Ring Circus.
Just a quick update, Aunt Pat passed last Friday around noon, funeral was yesterday.
Moms was supposed to go home Monday after they plated and screwed her femur back together. Well, that didn’t happen, she was complaining that something didn’t feel right, and it wasn’t. One of the screws, probably about 3inches long damn near came out of the side of her leg, took us 20 minutes to get the bleeding stopped. After another run under the X-ray, not only did 1 completely back out, 4 more were loose. She had another surgery yesterday to fix it AGAIN. Orthopedic surgeon said it wasn’t anything she did. She’s recovering now, got her comfortable, and they FINALLY listened to pops and I and installed a brace so her leg is locked now, not free floating around with an Ace bandage. She’s headed to a re-hab facility until she can get herself around, as it kicks dads ass trying to lift her and move her, he had Polio before the vaccine came out, and he’s feeling it now in his older age.
Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers, I TRULY appreciate it!!!
Hope all have a great day, and stay safe!!!


Wish you were closer. I need help getting rid of some rosin making product.


All the best Brother


Hey @Kgrim …damn man, that is some hard news. hopefully your mom gets better soon!


@JohnnyPotseed she was in pretty good spirits yesterday after the surgery. It took me telling her she’s not going home yet, she needs to go to a re-hab facility to heal some 1st, she wouldn’t listen to my sisters, and fought them about it.
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!!!


Morning folks! Today’s the day to do some day shit.


You out there doin day shit every day! Can’t fool me! :joy: Good morning! @Slick1


Good morning my friends :sunrise_over_mountains:!
Prayers @Kgrim . An Ace bandage!? For real!? I understand needing to be able to view the incisions… But that’s no bueno on steroids!


Ah crap. That’s hard stuff buddy. May your moms recovery be uneventful. Take care of yourself or you’re useless to them. “I know you want to go home mom. Soon.” Heard that before. Damn.


Going to the barn, bbl


Yes but I’ve been meaning to add more night shit to my days for awhile, maybe sleep until noon or something. Oh well not in the cards for now so good morning back at ya.


I got ya covered till ya get here :joy: an hour and a half and I’m crashing. Just gotta look at the plants 12 more times first! :joy: