Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Gotta ‘git-er-dun’ don’t get overheated out there!

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Ya think?!


Hehe, these new loaders got arctic A/C’s and chilled seats. My nuts are froze! Spoiled, I know.:wink:


And you don’t need an air ride seat with the Pampers you’re wearing @blowdout2269 . lol
So pampered… When @JohnnyPotseed was, young the bulldozers had wooden wheels and were pulled by 100 slaves! He didn’t have no stinking AC!!! His AC was walking beside the bulldozer waving palm leaves.


I might have gotten too hot out there driving fence posts earlier… Or maybe I’m stoned… or both…


Dang brother, ya gotta be careful in this heat!


I’m using a gas powered post driver my brother bought when I started putting in posts for the new paddock. But you’re right. I’m going at it in 20 min intervals. I’m also done for the day.


113 heat index, mean temp 103. Cooler than yesterday at 105

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That’ll make ya feel like the Wicked Witch " I’m melting…" . 0700 ran up to local grocery / gas station about a mile & quarter round trip . Grabed a few odds & ends , got a can of gas for yard toys . By the time I got back home was already drippin’ wet . Aint no yard work got done today . Might go out 'fore dusk & see what I can get done .

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I ain’t up to none of that!
Go from the house to the barn most mornings and then back… that’s plenty enough to wear me out! lol


90 degs at 1930 hrs but they say it feels like 100, I dunno as I am already in bed enjoying the air conditioning.

good evening all!

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Been a pain in the ass with Japanese beetles but they have died down and are almost nonexistent now the birds wiped them out with those bags.A different side effect was the toppings from the beetles bitting off shit made some tripple tops on some.Frankenstein is swelling faster than catholic priests prick at a boy-scout hotdog eating contest site’s popping up everywhere.Brought out a training bra.Never can be too sure.


lol; I like that ‘training bra’! It should do the job of holding her up just fine!

Are you ready for the ‘flowering stretch’?
She looks to be 7-8’, she’ll probably go to around 10’ minimum, unless you bend the tops over.

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This one’s for you @JohnnyPotseed!!!


I am going to run stakes and bend at will.Right now those beetles topped them to the point thier blowing out sideways.They are concentrated on going out they hit thatmain kola and its just widening by the day.She will definitely get a mainline stake shes at 8 ft even now

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Sitting in the living room and wondered what the air conditioning was keeping the house at.

It’s 87° in the greenroom and almost 86° in the living room. That’s a little better than earlier. It’s hard to recover from the heat in the heat. lol


We keep our thermostat on AC set at 75 degrees, fan on low. It works pretty good with a pedestal fan helping push the air

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We’ve got one very good window air conditioner but it’s never going to make that much difference in this big place. We keep fans going all the time when it gets this hot.

Damn, gonna do me like that, huh? :rofl:

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(had wooden wheels)

Naw brother, that was later. When I was young we had stone wheels!
Check it out
Wooden wheels came much later, lol