Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good morning all you wonders of the weed world!


Good morning, that’s fantastic news @MoBilly!

Not a fan of doctor’s as they are all still “practicing.”
My last primary was caught off guard when I asked how much time he has to continue to his research with new studies/information that has proven old treatments inadequate or made worse by prior known treatments. his answer, “I don’t have time”.
Still looking for a good one… Maybe I’m asking too much.


That is great news! I can relate, I was appointed guardian for my 84 year old great aunt a few years ago. She has dementia and can’t remember her own name many days.

Very sad and tbh it scares the hell out of me. She is one of the most intelligent people I ever met and to see the effects of dementia is heartbreaking. After seeing her go through this, I think I would rather have my body go before my mind.


The thing that gets me is they, supposedly, do ten years of case studies just to have one drug approved for human use. What happens, though, when you prescribe a cocktail of six or eight drugs? There is no way in billy hell that they can know what that would do to a person. Yet they think nothing of stacking drugs on top of drugs on top of drugs. In essence, creating a totally unknown combination of drugs.
My pharmacy flags certain combinations when they catch it and notify me that these don’t go well together. Why in the world didn’t my physician or his staff catch that?


That is my wish as well. We have entertained at nursing facilities for many years. Dementia is a deep seated fear of mine. I’m a voracious reader though. They say that keeping the mind active through reading helps stave dementia off. Here’s hoping.


Good morning all you early risers. Lol

@MoBilly that’s great news! Unfortunately that’s way too common an occurrence these days.


Thank you @GREANDAL .
I’m still riding the wave of happiness. lol


You’re due some I think. It’s remarkable how something like that can turn our mood around isn’t it?


True words bro.

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100% agree. Unfortunately, your physician/staff won’t stop it as they are reimbursed by big pharma to prescribe x y z. The Incentive is assbackwards. All new drugs are shopped around to all doctors with a simple pamphlet claiming it better than the last, but neither the former or the latter has cured it.
Just keeps you on the medication indefinitely.

They shouldn’t be able to prescribe so many to one person. Stacking more drugs than a hippie at Woodstock. My stepmom is that same boat. On like 9 different things and I keep telling her to get a second opinion as all those together are probably causing more harm.
Apologizes in advance to @JohnnyPotseed as I don’t want to hijack the thread.


No hijack here cuz.
This is kinda the unofficial coffee-break room lol


Good morning everybody! Glad to hear things are looking up @MoBilly !


If anyone “hijacked” Johnny’s thread, it was me. lol
The only thing he got wrong was

It’s official. :slight_smile:


Thanks @Kronnkk . :+1:

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Good morning everyone!
Happy you got some good news @MoBilly !


Morning everyone have a great day


Good morning @Emeraldgreen . Thanks. :slight_smile:


I am glad to read how your wife’s aunt’s medication was better tuned for her body chemistry and to hear that her mind has cleared and she has regained some energy @MoBilly, those darn doctors need to spend more time researching what they are giving patients and less time listening to the sales agent from the pharmaceutical companies telling them to stack questionable drugs on other questionable drugs without regard for efficacy nor patient health


I couldn’t agree more @herojuana.tom .


I’ve been discontinuing various drugs, and I honestly think my improvement is partly due to that! Still got a lot to go here though, in my chase to eliminate the pharma products from my life.

For years, I refused any and all medications. Told the docs, I’d handle my problems with diet, exercise, and Ganja… When I went downhill (fast) I finally allowed em to prescribe stuff, and boy did they ever! Now, I’ve been going over the stuff and some of em ‘fight’ each other. I ask the doc to take off some, and he does. others I just take when problem bothers me. But my end goal is to be off all of this before much longer.