Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

WOW… on another note, my Feedback thread just hit the 100vote-n-note mark, with a 100% 5-star ratings! I luv all of yas that did that to & for me! I’m proud of this little milestone accomplishment, and couldn’t get to this point without the love and support form the OG community.
THANKS again to all!


Go see an endocrinologist if you aint already . Damn VA was killin’ me with their 19th century BS . 2 yrs after switching my last 2 A1C’s were 5.9 & 5.7 . I don’t eat / drink alot of crap & try to stay movin’ . I’m probably still in the game due to making the switch . Did cost a few $ but I’m worth it .


So what did he suggest… meds… diet… excercise? What meds for sugar do you take. My A1C is down to 6.5 with meds but Id like to find another way.


Damn, lol I’m jealous of you two! I’m type 2 Diabetic and my A1C stays around 7.8-8.0 But I haven’t been able to be very active for over a year now. I always used diet/exercise/Ganja. But doc put me on Jardiance last year. A1C was over 12!
But there was a med ( I can’t recall which) that did the high A1C to me… needless to say, he took that away!

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Morning mofos!


Late wife was a Tater ( 1969 ) from Barrineau Park . We lived on P’beach & moved to GB in '85 . Been in current place since '92 .

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First was medication change big time . Current meds are Metformin , Actos , Tresiba & Ozempic . I try to stay doin’ something , but aint gonna make a career of it . Southern peckerwood so I still hunt & fish when I can . Caint remember life w/o a garden so fruit & vegs , local honey , backed off the meat some . Biggest thing is carbs & sugar . If you got to nothing white . Baked stuff , pastries & donuts were my weakness . No more 4 biscuits swimmin’ in sausage gravy fer b’fast .


Oh Hell Nooo! lol I gotta have my homemade scratch Cathead Biscuit in sausage gravy!!
They can take em from me…when I’m dead & gone!

edit… lol I know, I know… that’s probably one of the reasons my A1C is so high! lol But, dammit! I ain’t gonna stop living just to live longer! :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:


Hell aint ya got grandkids to teach bad habits too ? Since I’m a widower , incuring the wrath of a daughter / -in law is major sport these days . Sigh…I know get a life .

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I drink a very little, count the drinks I’ve had in the course of a year on one hand and have fingers left over. A shot of dark rum is all, very rarely. I smoke like a burnt-out diesel, but have stopped eating so much, especially sweets. I dropped from 4 biscuits in sausage gravy down to 2, and That’s as far as I’m going!


Damn right! lol

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I too have cut waaaay back on the drinking . Never was a home drinker . Dumbass me had to go see the floor show , sometimes I was the star . Can’t remember last time I had a cigerette or cigar . Since I retired I am a weed slut .


Good morning everyone.


Hey! What’s up with that!? Did they delete my comment!?


OH and Good morning my friends!


Good morning folks!


Damn, a lot of catching up!
Morning fella’s. Happy 4th of July weekend. :wink:


Thanks buddy, I have an appointment on Monday to see my new doctor for that. It was a two month wait and my wife phoned her office and they had a cancellation, the girl on the phone told my wife it was fate aand I was meant to have that slot. She told my wife not to worry, the doctor will get me and my suger straightened out. I like this doctor and I haven’t met her yet.:heart:


Frankenstein is kicking my ass.


Some more.