Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Because it may get confused for the word squaw?

That word is actually an insult, cuz. It basically means ‘a tramp’ or ‘a whore’ to call a Native American woman that to her face, is inviting a punch!


Yeah…. But there was other really good info in that post.


You’re lucky if it’s just a punch.



lol I was going to edit that to add…or a beatdown by her family men, or friends!


@Hidden I realize you probably didn’t know the actual translation of that word, cuz. it’s been used in older movies and such. but, lol trust me when I say you DON’T want to use it in the company of Native American Indians!


I can say I wasn’t aware it’s treated akin to the n-word, I’m certainly not trying to insult anyone. Although it’s not an every day word, squab is still used around my neck of the world, hence the reason I asked.

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No problem, cuz. I figured as much. That’s why I let you know. lol
Squab is also used around here

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This is much like using the word ‘mamacita’ to Hispanic ladies. I had no idea what it meant, but was told by a lady from Peru, that they take it like someone you have sex with. I thought it was a term of endearment but Noooooooo.

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Yeah but generally not like I’m a prostitute way. It’s just very sexual. You don’t call another man’s woman mamacita! You wouldn’t want another man walking up a calling your significant other hot mama.


Funny, I’ve heard the word squab on looney tunes cartoons back when I was a little kid watching Bug’s Bunny and Daffy Duck. They weren’t so politically correct back in the 60s :joy:

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Here’s the result of a quick Google
The English word squaw is an ethnic and sexual slur, historically used for Indigenous North American women. Contemporary use of the term, especially by non-Natives, is considered derogatory, misogynist, and racist.

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Yeah have you seen the one little two little Indians skit. Bugs was a dick!

A lot of those older cartoons had hidden adult ‘jokes’ in em

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Yes but Squab is still a young pigeon… or a fat person. I think the last letter is where the confusion is coming in.

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Im not even gonna start on the Little Rascals, but those were some funny kids back then.:heart::heart::heart: My dad was 3 in 1922 when the first silent little rascals was debuted.


Or the Three Stooges. That shit would not fly today on TV.


Bugs was a dick but I still love him! He grew as a bunny over the ears.:rofl:

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk! :flushed::slightly_smiling_face:

Oh I’m by no means a prude, I laugh at all the old dirty jokes. Even the ones now considered ‘inappropriate’ lol Hey, funny is funny, period. Even the dirty old jokes!