Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Are you speaking of the prunes? Cause yeah I got those! :astonished:


I was speaking of both :joy:

Fresh outta likes again again! I’m
only allowed to talk about the prunes. :shushing_face: :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:

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Perfect place for an ongoing prune discussion :joy:

Well to be fair I’m also a fan of raisins. So if we can work those in at some point that would be swell! :joy:

Sorry, but just prunes :joy:. We’ll have to find another thread for raisins!

If your offering another thread just for raisins I’m
down. So how bout them prunes. I’m good for maybe 4-5 at a time but I always come back.
That’s what she said :toilet:. :joy:

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What you saying Willis ? IMG_0382


Wrong thread brother! We’re moving this to California raisins!:joy: on second thought. Might just fit the prune profile. We’ll allow it.


I think it fits the prune profile also.

The council is in agreement. A prune it shall be know from this point forth!
Oh how we seem to love hijacking Johnnys thread with cakes and fruits and dried up old whatever grapes and dates actually are! Sorry Johnny but when the adults are away….:joy:.
Oh shit he’s back !!!

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Hey now, no disparaging comments on my wrinkled up old visage!


Hey Johnny how’s it goin’ nothin to see here!


Oh, my bad… scuse me while I’m just passin thru. lol


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No no this is your house! :joy: Let’s get things back on track! @JohnnyPotseed how do you like your prunes? Lol :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart:

I don’t… :rofl:

I prefer dates, fresh or dried

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Truth be told I’m not really much of a fan either. I’m only on this council cause @Emeraldgreen said we could start a raisin thread. That’s my real passion.

I like grapes of all kinds, as well as raisins


Good night everyone. They’re saying that we are going to be rocked with another round of storms in the morning.
It seems like it’s all or nothing. LOL


Goodnight! @MoBilly prayers up for you tonight you don’t suffer any more damage!