Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Yep, we are in a very small town.

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That’s the path I took as well. My hydro stuff is all packed up and I’ve been running soil for awhile now. Just started my own compost again so you’re ahead of me there. :slightly_smiling_face:
Got tired of buying when I have plenty of scraps to make my own. You’ll dig those Frankie beans. I’m not even sure what all you’ll find in there. I grew one and liked it so much I keep cloning it! :joy: I need to see what other gems are in the pack!


Yeah, i’me excited and looking forward to trying them out! In your opinion what is the best germination protocol? Paper towel, water soak, or put them in a seed mix?

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I’m definitely the wrong one to ask on that one! :joy: I’m all over the place. I’ll germinate in what ever manner floats my boat at the time! :joy: They all work well. I know Johnny and several others like the EWC method and it seems to make little monsters before planting. :+1:t3:

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OK I am still pretty new… What is EWC?

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Earthworm castings. They place a 1/4 inch layer or so slightly moistened and lightly cover the beans. They just shoot tails like crazy!

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That shit gave me some of the worst side effects I’ve ever experienced. :face_vomiting:


Thanks Johnny! You know better than I how this process works! And wrote the thread!:fist:t3:

It’s one method I haven’t tried yet but want to. I need to pick up some castings. I’ve seen you have them standing on their tail tips just begging for some soil! :rofl:


Had to go back n edit the link, it works now

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OKay!!! Great pictures and explanation. Now all I need to do is source the worm castings. I think it would be convenient to have your own worm bin… Something to work on. Thanks @JohnnyPotseed and @NDNCHILD for the help in understanding.

When I was growing Hydro I just germinated right in the Rockwool…

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A wormbin works, but in the meantime you can pick up a bag on Amazon.


You too huh? Yeah I am currently on 30mg per day down from 60mg which made me down right stupid. Next stop 10mg then stop…

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Over the years, I’ve germinated in just about every known method. WC works best, IMHO

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JP is 12 pounds enough for a standard 1020 tray? Thanks

lol 10 times over, at least. It doesn’t take much… about 1/4" in the tray… Read/follow the mini-tute I posted.

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cool… Thanks!

Happy Birthday for the other day JP hope you had a goody mate :call_me_hand:image


Around every 6months, I’ll buy 500-1000 red wigglers and toss em into the compost bin to work their magic.


Makes sense… Before the freeze hit us my current compost bin was really cooking, around 130F. Now it does not even register so I need to turn it an add some more green to set it off again. Then this next time I could probably add some wiggler and let em go to work. In the mean time I just added a bag of worm casting to my shopping cart… thanks