Specializing in hot peppers

Continuing the discussion from Introduce Yourself @OG:


Welcome, welcome!
I’m a huge fan of hot foods; what kind of peppers have you been growing lately, and/or what are some favorites…for heat AND flavor.
I’ve heard chocolate habaneros are about the best flavor in a relatively high scoville class.


I have tried to grow 30+ varieties over the years. Most years I grow a superhot or two (normally scorpion, ghost, or reaper). I also will grow regular jalapenos and habaneros, plus a couple others that look interesting to me that season. Habaneros are my favorite. Good flavor, good heat level, produces well - just a good balance. I like chocolate habs but not as much. I really like red savina habs, but I do not get very good production from them. Here is a small portion of my habanero harvest this past season. I probably totaled 40-50lbs of habaneros, much of which I gave away.


They look great, I like scotch bonnets, and ghost peppers, Thai and kashmiri chillies as well, I eat a lot of curries.


Scotch bonnets are great. Very similar in flavor and heat to habaneros.


I have found a kindred soul! I like it hot. We grow a good variety of hot peppers but Habaneros are far and away my favorite scorcher.
We grow a Jalapeno that is hotter than any you might ever find in a store as well. We keep those seeds every year. Those will definitely wake up a fellow in salsa!


That’s cool, I had a Carolina Reaper plant and a Ghost Pepper plant but the reaper has died :frowning: It fell over and the stem broke and it never recovered. But I have a lot of the peppers still in the freezer.


This year i smoked about 10 lbs of habaneros. I made some onto a quick sauce with locally foraged blackberry and raspberry. Sooooooo good. I have about 4 gallons fermenting in brine right now to make fermented sauces out of later, and some more I need to grind into smoked hab powder.

This one is a simple fermented sauce, habs, lime, onion, garlic, carrot. fermented 2 years. Sooo hot and funky. If you look close you can see my bong hiding in the pic :slight_smile:


Sorry, I had to create a new topic out of it… :smiley: Great pics! Thanks for joining!


Ok, a shout out to @PhilCuisine!!! The Reapers!!



Thanks @LemonadeJoe . I forget sometime to keep my comments on the point of a thread. :slight_smile:

It’s an old guy thing, or a stoner thing. Take your pick. lol
:v: :cowboy_hat_face:


I resemble this remark! Especially since my name is on the first post of the derailer thread… And I’m proud of it!
@btg and @MoBilly and other pepper folk: where do you source seeds when you want to start a variety you haven’t grown? I’ve looked around some, but I can’t tell the difference between a legit hot pepper seed bank and a “hype” bank.
Funny how I can spot the difference in a cannabis seedbank in 2 seconds :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I like a little heat in my food at times, but I just like growing really hot peppers. Haven’t really had the space for them indoors, but plan to set something up on a windowsill. I’ve got lots of varieties in seeds but haven’t started any :crazy_face:


I understand. I used to moderate some larger forums, and still mod some large FB groups. Gotta keep it organized.


I get starts from local nurseries. For basic varieties like jalapenos and habs, I just get bonnie/burpee from the big box hardware store.

For seeds sometimes I keep my own, but I do not control for cross pollination, nor have I yet attempted any breeding experiments. Mostly I go to https://www.superhotchiles.com Mr. Duffy there knows his stuff and I have always gotten extras even on small orders, and had good germination rates.
I stay away from baker creek seeds now - for mostly political reasons so I won’t delve into it, but they also only have a few seeds per pack for rare cultivars - so they cheap out on you.


Could you give us some pointers on the smoking technique? Cold smoke?

I’ve bought some jars and such with the goal of fermentation to later use as an ingredient in some BBQ sauces. I wasn’t planning on smoking but if it adds something, I might need to follow along …


I didn’t grow mine from seed they were small plants I got from the local grower’s association they have a monthly sort of farmers market for plants. Got these and some parsley and basil and some food ones. I need to feed the ghost pepper its a big bush but has no peppers on it currently.


Thanks homie!

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I make mine with a sauteed zucchini, apple, onion and garlic base. Carrot sounds like it should be in there!

I then add canteloupe as a finish when I’m almost done stewing…the “cool fruit” just before the peppers kick you in the feels is awesome!

top pic, left is hot sauce. right is marmalade with added devils tongue peppers, which is every bit as amazing as it sounds.


For smoking I went to a friends small farm, he has an old oil tank smoker he was using to smoke lunchbox bells and mushrooms. We used hackwood (basically cherry) and tried to keep the temps around 200. Otherwise there was no big science to it.
The peppers were frozen first so they released a lot of water. Next time I will add drain holes to the trays I used. I stirred them every so often for even coverage and pulled them when they looked like this.

The smell of them was incredible.