Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

@Billybob in some regions, yes growing’ already started. I know you got a few strains from me so it might be hard to figure which one you lost the label, lol But good luck with it being some :fire: my friend!

You are already starting you outdoor growing were you live .we’re would this area be like you on the west coast of America yes

Summer is almost over in Australia

Well that’s not to close to you maybe I caught the wrong end of your conversation ! I haven’t start my coffee had to walk the dogs first this morning ! I be back ! After coffee have a great day !

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Have you had any photos of the coral kush outdoors and if so did they grow exceptionally good outdoors ?

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The pics would be @Andrane thread, he is the creator of that cross.
All info on it would be there

Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s, been up busy with trimming. My project is almost finished. Have a great Sunday.

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Cool! Post a pic or two of your finish, my friend! Love to see your work

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Thank you very much appreciate you sir ! I’m sorry for always pelting you with questions but do you know if you will be offering any cards with your seeds in the future ? I would really like to get a library of my seeds . I would be willing to donate to a project if you have one in mind ? You have a great day hope the sun shines on you and the family all day long ! Cheers

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Never a problm answering questions, my friend. Also, while I do appreciate the OGenerous off, I have more projects going at the moment than I can finish by the end of 2025! lol
As to cards, I don’t do many of those, with the exception of Frankenstein.

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Well, I’m finally caught back up.
Good morning you wonderful workers of the wild wood weed!


Just a sittin here, on my sack of seeds!

oops lol hadda go back and edit to reflect the exact word in the song


Yeah boy!!!

lol knew you’d catch the return reference


Great minds. :slight_smile:


Morning @JohnnyPotseed and OG, hope you all are well this Sunday…


Good morning JP and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone has a great day!


I remember that song wasn’t that the closing scene ! Hahah. Ok I can appreciate how busy you are . But if you do come by a extra Frankie card please put it aside for my next order . Thank you very much have a great day !


Good morning everyone. Hope your all good


Cyas tomorrow folks.

Good Night OG!