Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Sweet and Spicy sounds like a stripper team. lol
Just saying @JohnnyPotseed .
I’m high.


I used to love spicy… the hotter, the better! lol, But, it don’t love me anymore, ever since the gall bladder came out! Now, If I eat something that’s a bit much on the spicy side…I pay for it! lol :scream: :man_facepalming:


We have over 20 little jars of it and 7 pint jars… this summer we had 22 pepper plants ! Way way to many a lot went to waste. But the pepper plants shall just pop back up!
It’s addicting goes with eggs ,salads,burgers,tacos ,
Hell prolly even fried catfish !
Jalapeno Tatar sauce


is a thing we have done for years. lol

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When I bit into a lot of my food, if it didn’t bite back, it wasn’t done up right! lol


I’ve never been a spicy hot guy till the cowboy candy started stacking up …

Hmm jalapeno Tatar sauce deff remembering that…
She utilizes the chicken eggs and makes mayonnaise deff would be a nice combo!


I’m still that way bro. My morning eggs and toast go great with fire roasted jalapeno’s. Dang now my mouth is watering like one of Pavlov’s dogs!


:rofl: :rofl: good! y’all talking about all this hot stuff, has my mouth watering for awhile! damn it!

lol But, I know without a doubt… if I did eat some Jalapenos or such, I’d pay dearly for it. So I leave be…


What about me!? I haven’t had breakfast yet. We had more to catch up with this morning than usual.


I’m in the same boat MO!
I’m growling over here
Only problem with the eggs is I get that sulfur burp minutes after

This year we had banana peppers that you literally had to spit out they were so hot …
Possible cross Pollination!
We had Carolina reepers Tabasco garden salsa and standard red/green bells

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A few years back we grew some yellow Banana peppers right next to some Habanero. My wife saved some seeds. They grew out to look like pink Banana peppers but just touch your tongue to one that was cut and it would set you on fire!
We lost almost all our habanero’s to rats this year! When we started loosing them I put out a live trap thinking maybe a rabbit. Nope, F***ing rats!


Heck now that interesting …you might of been onto something with those pink bannaneros!
The garden is a reward but also a nightmare at points :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Don’t even get me started on them mOtherfers… I busted out the ol daisy …last year I was using 220 connabear traps …stopped that real quick though …


We have too many cats for snap traps. We just used a live trap and some veggies. I wouldn’t want to be the one to try and extract my tomcat from a live trap but we figured they wouldn’t go into the trap for veggies. lol


We have 2 cats ones a real good hunter around the house …but never makes it into the barn …
I did find a trap with a rat in it about 150 yds from the barn …I’m thinking a stray .dragged it out .tons of them around here in omish country …I call em skinwalkers they all look the same …yes I’m talking about the cats :sweat_smile:
OK bro I’m starving .nice talking with yah !

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Bon appétit!

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I keep a case of pints on hand for venison.


Zee and I love hot spicy. But honestly, it can get too hot to the point of not being tasty. In my opinion, the best balance of hot and outstanding taste is the lowly jalapeno. I just love the TASTE of the jalapeno.
If a pepper is much hotter than that, the taste goes bye-bye and all you get is fire.


Very true brother @BigMike55 . It takes something with a lot of flavor to battle extremely hot peppers.
Chili comes to mind.


Good evening everyone. Hope you all had a great day


It’s that time again, folks. I’m shutting down for the evening here. Catch yas in the light of a new day/week!

Good Night OG!