Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

I don’t remember the “Tornado Risk” level being that high. Ever. I’ve been in OKC over twenty years. Plus I spent a good part of my younger life, about 8years, working in the Oklahoma oilfield. Never saw the weatherman put a ten out of ten on that scale. I’m scared. I have the hidey hole cleaned out and ready
Prolly won’t do like I did in 2013. During the big El Reno tornado. I put my wife and cat in the hidey hole. Then I let my neighbors across the street get in there. By the time it was loaded, there was no room for me. I rode the storm out in the garage.


Best of luck my Okie brothers, I too have never seen such a weather map.
There have been 3 X class solar flares in the last 24, those have been shown to amplify storms…perhaps.
Once again, best of luck.


I kinda lied.
Actually, if it came right down to it… I would do the exact thing again. Wife thinks I’m nuts. Just a couple weeks ago, I was inthe parking lot at Wal-Mart. There was an old man stumbling around like he was drunk and lost. He got between two cars and down he goes. I put my car in park and ran to help him up. He was not drunk tho. He was lost and could not find his car. I stayed with him until we finally found his car. And his wife. People behind my car were getting pissed at me.
Just the way I am. Almost to a fault.


It takes a big hearted person to see someone in need of help like that and then jump to action to lend them a hand without giving it a second thought :clap:

That’s good stuff right there. @BigMike55, someone raised you right to look out for others like that.

People behind your car were probably gonna get pissed no matter what :man_shrugging: Some folks get behind the wheel and all empathy is gone. Everyone’s outside of the vehicle is an obstacle instead of a person. At best they maybe weren’t fully aware of what was happening, that or they just need to go around and find a new parking spot. It’s Wal-Mart - let’s face it there are always spots available for the price of a few extra paces.

I’d like to say I would have done the same as you but honestly the context matters. If I had been there I’d think that I would have helped. Now if it had been my old Wal-Mart outside of Cleveland (OH, not OK) then it’s a different story. I’m pretty sure the same situation where you helped in OKC has been a setup for a car jacking in the Cleve :rofl: :dagger:


@BigMike55 gets Gremlin Jacked


Tornado came through about two weeks ago, I saw some of the carnage on the way to pick up the tractor last Friday. It was only a couple miles south east of me. Be safe there guys, looks like a doozy.


I’m gonna shut down for the evening folks. Cyas tomorrow.

Good Night OG!


I’m doing the same bro. Glad you posted. Mike hasn’t since I asked how the weather was.
Ahh. There he is.
Good deal and good night all.


Hope the weather gods smile on you John.

You mean, “See y’all in an hour or so.”
There I fixed it for you.


Severe weather alert just came on TV, tornado warning. one sighted across the river about 5miles from us.Osage county. we’re in Pawnee county, but still right in the midst of the highest risk zone atm.
Thunder, and rain, but no high winds here. But they saying the worst is still to come…

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Gday everyone please be safe out there, I’ve been through a few hectic tropical cyclones as a young fella up north in Townsville, but they seem pretty mild compared to these tornadoes man geez!! :grimacing:

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Wishing the best, hope you stay safe.


Thnx guys… the way I look at it, if it’s my time, It’s gonna happen, and nothing to be done about it. Without trying to be religious, it’s all in the creator’s hands… period.


Now tornado warning in located in our county, about 5miles west, heading this way. I’m betting it jumps over us. Telrton, OK is due west of our place.


Be safe Buddy.


I hope your safe tonight. It’s crazy down there this year.

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It’s crazy everywhere! From the gulf all the way to the Great Lakes…


That one that was in Terlton just changed course and slid between us and our son’s house. Him, his wife, daughter and dogs are in the center of their house. Our life is in a backpack sitting here beside me, to grab…in case. Ready as we can be
Gonna be sleeping (if at all) in our clothes tonight!

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Lordy take care JP :worried:

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