Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

As much as we can, brother. Them Fuckers are popping up all over the damn place!
Another in Hominy just now. About 6miles northwest of us.
No train tracks near us, about 6miles south, but can hear a ‘freight train’ now n then…

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I’m still betting on my research. Nothing has touched this exact location since records started being kept. The lay of the land has it in a ‘protected pocket’
But, that said… we’re as ready as we can be, for whatever comes.
Double walled house, with double roof.
An old 1960s trailer with stick built house around it.


Another tornado just went through Southeast Osage county, knocking thousands outta power. Rescue and recovery underway. Tornado warning in effect until 5AM for us.
Moving 50-65 mph, fast mofo… looks like another chain behind coming towards us. Rotation starting in several spots . Large hail, etc
This is still growing, they’re saying. Intensifying
Damn, i sure hope it doesn’t hurt too many folks!


Good luck stay safe

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Barnsdall got smoked.

Not much chance of sleep tonight with this crap going on

SHIT! One long big ass wind just came over us, knocking stuff flying. Tree limbs down all over. Our power is underground, but carried by lines on poles.
Barnsdall, lost power to whole town, and some of Bartlesville. Those are North and Northeast of us. The one that was aiming directly at us, changed course and hit them.
Reports of homes flattened
phones fully charged, but still have power/internet. Will report on things around us. But so far, safe n sound in this location.
Westport just got hit. 2miles west of us
Bit worried bout the barn & all the plants. But they’re gonna have to ride it out without us going out in this shit to check em! Inspect for damage tomorrow… Rain coming down in buckets, with very high winds and a lot of lightening/thunder


Big blob of shit north of OKC is headed towards Tulsa tonight per NWS radar, that’s your blob.
Good luck.


yep, watching it come. It’s bigger than what just came through
The tail of this one is connected to the head of thatun
Actually, nothing has changed much. High winds, thunder, lightening, hail, etc occasional rotation. Just one long storm. Although they’re calling it two different cells.
Satellite TV is in and out. But internet is steady at least. (so far)T-mobile home wifi/internet in addition to local internet underground cable. TV is on Dish


Thinking of you guys JP. Stay safe brother


Thnx! Doin the best we can. Gonna get off here awhile and try to get some rest… probably back in an hour or two.


Still a bunch west of you, hours worth. The rest of your evening will be noisy, take care.


Until 5AM at least.


Same here.


Careful out there folks!


Wow I slept another 2 hours straight lol. You hanging in there JP?

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Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. I hope everyone made it safely through the storms.:peace_symbol:


Good morning JP and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone is safe!


Good morning JP, @InTheWoods and @Greenfingers hope you all don’t have that much of a clean up to do, hope everybody else stayed safe last night. Have a good day everybody!


good morning @JohnnyPotseed , @Greenfingers , @InTheWoods , @Sailorboy and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good Morning OG! Been checking out any damage. lotta folks got hit hard around here, but nothing at this location other than basic wind damage. Stuff blown around, and lots of limbs down. Barn is intact, power never went off, girls are still growing, so all good in my neighborhood.

This place has 6-7" thick walls from it being made of two houses! lol Once we shut the door, couldn’t hardly hear a thing!